Combine Predefined and Custom Conditions in a Rule

You can create hybrid object sharing rules, that is, rules that combine a predefined condition with one or more custom conditions, if this feature is enabled in your environment.

Once enabled, a Predefined Condition list becomes available in the Conditions section of the Create Rule page where you can select a predefined condition. Combining custom conditions with a selected predefined condition in a hybrid rule lets you refine the access that's provided by the predefined condition.

For example, there is a predefined condition that provides all users who are on the opportunity team with access to the opportunity. If you want to restrict this access so team members have access to the opportunity only if it has a status of Open, then you can do so using these steps.

  1. Create an object sharing rule for the Opportunity object.

  2. In the Conditions section, select this condition from the Predefined Condition list:

    Opportunities where the access group member is on the opportunity team

  3. Select a value from the Rule Applies If list to choose whether the custom conditions you're about to create are applied when any of the custom conditions are met, or only when all the custom conditions are met.

    The default value is All Conditions Met.

  4. Create a rule with values similar to these.











  5. In the Action: Assign Access Group section, select the access group you want to share this rule with and the type of access to give group members.

  6. Select Save and Close from the Actions menu to save the rule.

  7. On the Object Sharing Rules page, publish the new rule by selecting Publish Rules from the Actions menu.

  8. When the status indicator shows the publish process has completed, click Close.

    When the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing process next runs, any changes you've made to object record access are applied.

    All users on an opportunity sales team can now view the opportunity provided it has a status of open.

For information about enabling hybrid object sharing rules, see the topic Enable Hybrid Object Sharing Rules.

Considerations When Using Predefined Conditions in a Rule

Here are some considerations to keep in mind when creating an object sharing rule that uses a predefined condition.

  • You can select only one predefined condition for the rule.

  • You have to define at least one custom condition for the rule.

  • Once you have created and saved a rule containing a predefined condition, you can't change the predefined condition selected for the rule.

  • If you create rules containing a predefined condition, then disable the profile option that lets you use predefined conditions in a rule, this is what happens:

    • On the Create Rule page, the Predefined Condition list is no longer available.

    • When you edit an existing hybrid rule, the predefined condition is visible in the Predefined Condition field on the Edit Rule page but you can't change the predefined condition.

    • If an existing hybrid rule is assigned to an access group, group members continue to receive the data access provided by the rule.