How do I create sales restricted users?

You can create sales application users who have extensive privileges to view sales data, but limited privileges to create, update, or delete that data, by assigning users the Sales Restricted User job role.

For example, you might want to assign the Sales Restricted User job role to accounting or legal users, to seasonal or administrative users, or to users who are assigned an Essential User license. The Essential User license provides a user with a read-only subscription to the cloud service.

Use these steps to create a sales restricted user.

  1. Create the user who's to have restricted access to the application.

    For information about this task, see the topic, How do I create application users?.

  2. When creating the user, specify these values.



    Person Type


    Resource Role

    Sales Restricted User

  3. In the Roles region, click Autoprovision Roles.

    The user is automatically assigned the following roles:

    • Sales Restricted User job role

    • Resource abstract role

    • Employee abstract role

      A predefined rule automatically assigns the Employee abstract role to all active users who are created as employees.