Data Sharing and Visibility in Incentive Compensation

The conditions specified in data security policies control visibility to record-level data associated with a schema object, such as an incentive compensation plan and a paysheet.

Conditions can use these components as mechanisms for sharing data, provided that the sharing mechanism is applicable for the object:

  • Business unit

  • Analyst assignment

  • Person security profile

Business Unit

For incentive compensation administrators, the basis for data sharing is the business unit they have access to. Incentive compensation administrators are users assigned to these job roles:

  • Incentive Compensation Manager

  • Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

  • Incentive Compensation Analyst

Analyst Assignment

You have the option to further limit data access for users assigned to the Incentive Compensation Analyst role. You can limit the analyst access to the business unit or to participants who are directly assigned to the analyst. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Incentives

  • Task: Manage Parameters

For example, analyst Amy is directly assigned to the participants Jack and Ravi. Analyst Ryan is assigned to the participants Juan and Mary. When the Manage Parameter setting indicates analyst security is by participant, Amy can't manage participant data for Juan and Mary because she isn't the assigned analyst. This functionality applies to data within the Participant Snapshot and Payments work areas.

You can assign analysts to participants when the participants are imported, using the Participant Assignments, Manage Analyst Assignments task, and using the Participant Snapshot, Participant Details task.

Person Security Profile

The predefined person security profile types can be assigned to abstract roles, such as the employee, line manager, and contingent worker roles. You can also assign the security profile to the Incentive Compensation Participant and Incentive Compensation Participant Manager abstract roles. The person security profile, view own record option provides visibility to the participant's own data. The person security profile, view manager hierarchy option provides the participant manager with visibility to participant data for the subordinates in their management hierarchy.