Display Direct Report Data in Participant Manager Reports

This topic applies only to Incentive Compensation. You must enable the Secure by Manager Hierarchy person security profile before participant managers can see direct report participant data in their business intelligence reports. The application automatically generates and associates data grants using this security profile.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Add the security profile.

  2. Refresh the manager hierarchy.

Add the Security Profile

Only users with either View All HCM Data or IT Security access can do these steps.

  1. In the setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Task: Manage Data Role and Security Profiles

  2. Search for roles staring with Incentive.

  3. In the Search Results section, select Incentive Compensation Participant Manager.

  4. On the toolbar, click Assign to open the Assign Data Role: Role Details page.

  5. Click Next to open the Security Criteria page.

  6. In the Person Security Profile field, select View Manager Hierarchy.

  7. Click the Secure by Manager check box if it isn't already selected.

  8. Click Review.

  9. Click Submit to return to the Manage Data Role and Security Profiles page.

  10. Click Done to return to the All Tasks tab.

Refresh the Manager Hierarchy

You must run and schedule the Refresh Manager Hierarchy process to populate the HR Foundation Person tables with the manager hierarchy information. Reporting data is unavailable until you run the process.

  1. On the Navigator menu within Tools, select Scheduled Processes.

  2. On the Search Results section toolbar, click Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Name field, search for and select Refresh Manager Hierarchy.

  4. Click OK to return to Schedule New Process.

  5. Click OK to open Process Details.

  6. Click Submit, which causes the Confirmation to appear.

  7. Click OK to return to Process Details.

  8. Click Cancel to return to the Overview page.