Enable Notifications

Notifications are enabled by default, but you can disable them if required.

You can also enable or disable notifications separately for each user category. If users belonging to a specific category don't want to receive any notification, you can disable notifications for all life-cycle events. Alternatively, if users want to receive notifications only for some events, you can selectively enable the functionality for those events.

Notifications are sent for a set of predefined events. To trigger a notification, you must create a notification template and map it to the required event. Depending on the requirement, you can add or delete a template that's mapped to a particular event.

Note: You can't edit or delete predefined notification templates that begin with the prefix ORA. You can only enable or disable them. However, you can update or delete the user-defined templates.

User Category feature supports both SCIM protocol and HCM Data Loader for performing any bulk updates.

Note: Both pending workers and terminated workers receive emails at their personal email address.