Graphical and Tabular Role Visualizations

You can review role hierarchy information using either a tabular or graphical view on the Roles tab of the Security Console. This topic describes how to use each of these views.

Note: The view you see by default depends on the setting of the Enable default table view option on the Administration tab.

Role hierarchies stretch from users at the top of the hierarchy to privileges at the bottom. In both graphical and tabular views, you can set the direction of the displayed hierarchy.

  • To show from the selected user, role, or privilege up the hierarchy, set Expand Toward to Users.

  • To show from the selected user, role, or privilege down the hierarchy, set Expand Toward to Roles.

The Tabular View

If the tabular view doesn't appear when you select a security artifact on the Roles tab, then you can click the View as Table icon. In the tabular view, you can:

  • Review the complete role hierarchy for a selected user or role. The table shows roles inherited both directly and indirectly.

  • Search for a security artifact by entering a search term in the column search field and pressing Enter.

  • Set the contents of the table as follows:

    • If Expand Toward is set to Privileges, then you can set Show to either Privileges or Roles.

    • If Expand Toward is set to Users, then you can set Show to either Roles or Users.

    The resulting contents of the table depend on the start point. For example, if you select a privilege, Expand Toward is set to Privileges, and Show is set to Roles, then the table is empty.

  • Export the displayed details to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

The Graphical View

If the graphical view doesn't appear when you select a security artifact on the Roles tab, then you can click the Show Graph icon. In the graphical view, users, privileges, and the various types of roles are represented by nodes and differentiated by both color and labels. These values are defined in the Legend. You can:

  • Review roles inherited directly by the selected role or user. To see roles and privileges inherited indirectly, select a directly inherited role, right-click, and select either Expand or Expand All. Select Collapse or Collapse All to reverse the action. Alternatively, double-click a node to expand or collapse it.

  • Use the Set as Focus action to make any selected node the center of the visualization.

  • Use the Overview icon to manipulate the visualization. For example, clicking a node in the Overview moves the node to the center of the visualization. You can also use drag and drop.

  • Hover on a legend entry to highlight the corresponding nodes in the visualization. Click a legend entry to add or remove corresponding nodes in the visualization.

In the Control Panel, you can:

  • Switch the layout between radial and layered representations.

  • Click the Search icon and enter a search term to find a security artifact among currently displayed nodes.

  • Zoom in and out using either the Zoom in and Zoom out icons or the mouse wheel.

  • Magnify areas of the visualization by clicking the Magnify icon and dragging it to the area of interest. Click the icon again to switch it off.

  • Click the Zoom to Fit icon to center the image and fill the display area.