Import Access Groups and Group Members

You can import access groups and group members into your sales environment, instead of creating them manually in the UI.

To import access groups and group members, create two import CSV files, one for each of these objects:

  • Access groups

  • Access group members

Import the access groups first, then the group members.

Note: You can't import system groups or add members to system groups using the import functionality. If you export a system access group and then import the group data, the group is created as a custom group.

Before you begin, you need to understand how your source data maps to the target object attributes in your application. You also must identify the target object attributes your CSV import file.

Review Required Attributes for Access Group and Access Group Member Objects

The tables in this section list the attributes you need to specify when importing access groups and members. Some attributes are required to uniquely identify the object record and some are optional. Make sure that you provide valid values for these attributes so that they pass import validations built into the application.

This table lists the attributes for importing access groups:




The name of the access group.

This is a required attribute and the name you specify must be unique. If you enter the name of an existing group, the record isn't imported.


The number of the access group.

This is an optional attribute. If you don't specify a number, it's assigned automatically.


The access group description.

This is an optional attribute.


A value to indicate whether or not the access group is active.

This is an optional attribute.

This table lists the required attributes for importing access group members.




This is the resource registry ID of an existing user in the application. You can find this value for a user on the Add: Group Members page in the Sales and Service Access Management work area.

This attribute is required.


The number of the group you want to assign the user to. This number must match the number of one of the groups you previously imported.

This attribute is required.

Create the Source CSV File

You include the data that you want to import into your application in a source CSV file. Create a separate CSV file for the Access Groups or Access Group Members data you want to import. You can use the templates available in the Import Objects UI page to create the source CSV file. To download a template:

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. Select either the Access Groups or Access Group Members object in the Import Object Details table and click Download.

    You can now edit the downloaded file and provide valid values for the required attributes.

Create the Import Activity

Once you have the CSV file ready, create an import activity to import the access group information:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Imports page: Tools > Import Management > Import Queue, and then click Create Import Activity.

  2. In the Enter Import Options page, provide values for these fields:




    The name you want to assign to the import.


    From the Object drop-down list, select Access Groups or Access Group Members depending on the object data you're importing.

    Import access groups before you import access group members.

    File Name

    Select the CSV file you previously created for the import data.

  3. If you're importing records for the Access Groups object, you can also import records for the child object, Access Group Members, at the same time using these steps:

    1. Click the Import Object Hierarchy link. Now you can see the object hierarchy for Access Groups.

    2. Select the Enabled check box for the Access Group Members child object.

    3. Select the CSV file for the Access Group Members child object.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Map Fields page, you'll see that the source and target attributes are automatically mapped. Review and edit the mappings if required.
  6. Check the file for unmapped columns or data format issues by clicking Validate Data. Click Next.

  7. On the Review and Submit page, review the import details and then click Submit when you're ready.

Review the Import Results

Use the Manage Imports page to check whether your import succeeded. The Manage Imports page shows the status of all active, completed, and unsuccessful imports.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Imports page: Navigator > Import Management > Import Queues.

    1. Click the All Imports infotile and search for the import activity that you created earlier.

    2. Check the Status column for the import activity. The import is successful if the status displays as Completed. You can drill down on the import activity to go to the Import Status page, which provides the status details of the import activity.

  2. After the import process completes successfully, navigate to the Access Groups page in the Sales and Service Access Management work area: Navigator > Sales and Service Access Management > Access Groups.

  3. Verify that you can see the access groups you imported and that they're assigned the correct members.

    Notice that imported users are listed in the Member Type column as Manual users. This is because they weren't added to the group through group membership rule processing.