Role Types

The different types of roles provided with your sales application work together to provide users with permissions to application resources. These types of roles are provided:

  • Job roles

  • Abstract roles

  • Duty roles

The permissions each role provides are described in security reference manuals available on

Job Roles

Job roles represent the job functions in your organization. Sales Representative and Sales Manager are examples of predefined job roles. You can also create job roles.

Job roles provide users with the permissions they need to carry out tasks specific to their jobs. For example, providing a user with the Sales Manager job role permits the user to manage salespeople within the organization, follow up on leads, generate revenue within a territory, build a pipeline, manage territory forecasts, and assist salespeople in closing deals. You can assign job roles directly to users.

Abstract Roles

Abstract roles represent a user's functions in the enterprise that are independent of the job they do. These are examples of the abstract roles used in the sales application:

  • Employee

  • Resource

Abstract roles let users to perform tasks that are common to all employees and resources. For example, users who are employees must be provisioned with the Employee abstract role, so they can update their employee profiles and pictures. You must also provision users with the Resource abstract role, so they can be assigned as a sales resource to work on leads, opportunities, and other sales tasks. You can assign abstract roles directly to users. You can also create abstract roles.

Duty Roles

Job and abstract roles permit users to carry out actions because of the duty roles they include. Each predefined duty role consists of a logical grouping of privileges that represents the individual duties that users perform as part of their job. Duty roles are composed of security policies which grant access to work areas, dashboards, task flows, application pages, reports, batch programs, and so on.

For example, the Sales Manager job role inherits the Sales Lead Follow Up duty and the Sales Forecasting Management duty. The Sales Lead Follow Up duty makes it possible for managers to work with leads. The Sales Forecasting Management duty lets managers work with sales forecasts. Job roles and abstract roles can inherit duty roles either directly or indirectly.

You can create duty roles and can include predefined and custom duty roles in custom job and abstract roles. You don't assign duty roles directly to users.