Terminate User Accounts

This topic describes how you can terminate a user account when an employee leaves your company. You can't delete a sales user account using the Security Console. But when an employee leaves your company, you can suspend the user account by completing these steps.

  1. Do either one of these tasks:

    • Inactivate the user's account.

    • Remove the user's roles.

  2. Set an end date for the resource.

The process outlined in this topic applies if you're using only Oracle CX Sales and Fusion Service. If your company also uses Oracle HCM Cloud, then a different process applies.

Note: When you deactivate a user account, the user record isn't deleted from the application. You can still view a deactivated user's record in the Manage Users work area.

Inactivating a User Account

When an employee leaves your company, in most cases it's best practice to inactivate the user account. Inactivating the user's account prevents the user from being able to log in to the application.

These are the steps to inactivate a user account.

  1. Select Navigator > My Team > Users and Roles to open the Search Person page.

  2. On the Search Person page, search for and select the user whose account you want to inactivate. The Edit User page for the user opens.

  3. In the User Details section, in the Active field, select Inactive.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Removing Roles from a User

Instead of inactivating a user account, you can remove some or all of the roles assigned to the user. You might want to do this if you want to keep some roles active. For example, maybe you want to keep the user account valid to allow the user access to specific pages you have created.

These are the steps to selectively remove roles from a user.

  1. Navigate to the Search Person page as described in the previous task.

  2. Search for and select the user whose roles you want to remove.

    The Edit User page for the user opens.

  3. In the Current Roles section, select the role you want to remove, then click the Remove icon. Repeat this process for each role assigned to the user that you want to remove.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Setting an End Date for the Resource

After you have either inactivated a user account or removed the roles assigned to a user account, you must set an end date for the resource (user) as described in this topic.

Note: You can also set the end date for an employee in the Resource Directory which you can access from the Navigator menu.

These are the steps to set the end date for a user.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Task: Manage Resources

  2. On the Manage Resources page, search for and select the resource you want to edit. The Resource page for the individual opens.

  3. With the Organization tab selected, select the Edit option from the Actions menu.

    The Edit Organization Membership page opens.

  4. In the To Date field, enter the date the individual is leaving the company.

  5. Click Save and Close.

When the end date you specify for a resource arrives, this is what happens:

  • The terminated employee is no longer available in the application so can no longer be newly associated with any Sales objects, such as sales account, territory, lead, and opportunity. The user's association with Sales objects made before the end date aren't automatically removed but you can remove them manually.

  • Resource roles for the individual are deprovisioned.

  • If the terminated individual had any reports, they're reassigned to his or her manager.