User History Report

This topic describes the User History report, which extracts and formats the history of a specified user account. Oracle Support might ask you to run this report to help diagnose user-related errors.

To run the report, you must inherit the ORA_PER_MANAGE_USER_AND_ROLES_DUTY_OBI (Manage Users) duty role. Several predefined job roles, including IT Security Manager, inherit this duty role.

Follow these steps to run the report.

  1. Select Navigator > My Team > Users and Roles.

  2. On the Search Person page, search for the person of interest.

  3. In the search results, click the person name to open the Edit User page.

  4. On the Edit User page, click Print User History. In the User History dialog box, you can review the report.

    You can either print the report or download a PDF file by clicking relevant icons in the User History dialog box.

  5. Click Cancel to close the User History dialog box.

Tip: You don't have to view the report. You can select Print User History > Download to download the PDF file. The file name is in the format <person ID>_UserHistory.pdf.

This report is identical to the HCM Person User Information report, which authorized users can run in the HCM Reports and Analytics work area. Information is provided in this report for sales resources who are also defined as users in HCM.

Report Contents

For the selected user, the report includes:

  • Person information

  • User history

  • Provisioned roles and details of any associated role mappings

  • Role delegation details

  • LDAP request details

  • Work relationship and assignment information