Set Up Your Stocking Locations

Set up a stocking location:

  1. Under Setup and Maintenance, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering, and then click Service Logistics. See the list of tasks displayed for Service Logistics on the right-hand pane. Click Manage Stocking Location.

  2. On the Manage Stocking Location page, click the Add icon (Plus icon).

  3. In the Add Stocking Location window:

    • Select the organization from the list of valid inventory organizations.

    • Select a subinventory from the list of subinventories that appear for the selected organization. Note that the word subinventory is the industry equivalent of a warehouse.

    • Select the type of field parts stocking location. The four seeded values are Technician, Manned, Unmanned, and Site Dedicated.

    • The condition as either Usable or Defective.

    Note: Field parts stocking locations must have been set up as Inventory Organizations and Subinventories before they can be set up as Service Logistics stocking locations.
  4. Save your record.

  5. When you set up a site dedicated stocking location, you will be able to add or remove party site addresses to it. On the Manage Stocking Locations page, you will see an icon under the Address column against each site dedicated location. Click on the icon to access a Details window. You can add the site addresses here.

  6. Follow the same process to set up another stocking location.