Create and Manage Return Routing Rules

You can create the following types of return routing rules using the Manage Return Routing Rules page in Service Logistics:

  • Return routing rules for defective parts returned by the customer.

  • Return routing rules for defective and excess parts returned from field stocking locations and field technicians.

  • Return routing rules for parts with supplier warranty coverage.

To create the return routing rules:

  1. Click Setup and Maintenance, then under the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering, click Service Logistics, and then click Manage Return Routing Rules.

  2. You will see the Manage Return Routing Rules page with a Search header and results region. Here you can query for the return routing rules for your organization after you have set them up.

  3. To add a new rule, click the Add (Plus) icon in the Search Results region. You will see the Add Return Routing Rule window.

  4. Add values for the new rule:

    • Select a Return Source Type. This could either be Zone or Organization and Subinventory. Use Zone to create a return routing rule for a customer return. Use Organization and Subinventory to create the rule for all field service returns.

    • Source Organization and Source Subinventory: Enabled only if the return source type is Organization and Subinventory. List of values includes all inventory organizations and subinventories with a stocking location type of Field Technician.

    • Zone: Enabled only if return source type is Zone. Includes all zones set up in the Manage Shipping Zones page using the zone type defined in the Service Logistics Profile Option (Return Routing Zone Type). When a customer returns a part, a TCA API runs to determine the applicable return routing zone based on the customer's address. The zone determines which return routing rule is applied to default the destination subinventory.

    • Return Type: Defective, Excess, or Supplier Warranty.

    • Item Catalog and Item Category: Helps to filter the item list of values if you're going to set up return routing rules for specific items. You can create return routing rules at just the item category level.

    • Item: LOV displays all items with billing type tied to the Material billing category and, if entered, the item category.

    • Destination Organization: The inventory organization.

    • Destination Subinventory: All subinventories in the destination organization selected.

    • Enabled: Select Yes or No to indicate whether this rule should be enabled for your organization or not.

  5. Click Add.