Order Management

Service Logistics integrates with Order Management to ship and return products and parts as well as bill for field service and depot repair.

What do you need to set up in Order Management for sales order fulfillment in Service Logistics?

  • Order Types: (Optional) Set up order types and add them to your service activity codes (SACs) so that when you create your sales order headers they have an order type.

  • Order Line Types: Use order line types to control the processing and accounting of sales order lines. Order line types typically drive the assignment of DOO orchestration processes to sales order lines. The order line types that are mapped to the Service Logistics SACs in the Service Logistics Setup page appear on the sales orders lines created by Service Logistics. Sales order headers are created with the order type associated to the SAC that's used to create the first sales order line. You can use predefined order line types but we recommend that you create new ones for Service Logistics flows.

    1. Predefined order line types:

      • Buy (ORA_BUY)

      • Return for credit and return the item (ORA_RETURN)

      • Return for credit (ORA_CREDIT_ONLY)

      • Cancel the item (ORA_CANCEL)

    2. Order line types are stored in the following Order Management lookups:

      • For shipment lines: ORA_DOO_LINE_TYPES

      • For return lines: ORA_DOO_RETURN_LINE_TYPES

  • Orchestration Processes: Order Management uses DOO orchestration processes to run sales orders lines for shipments, returns, and billing. You can reuse predefined OM orchestration processes, but in most cases, you must define custom orchestration processes. Perform these setups in the Manage Orchestration Process Definitions page. You can copy the following predefined orchestration processes to help you create custom orchestration processes:

    • DOO_OrderFulfillmentGenericProcess

    • DOO_BillOnlyGenericProcess

    • ReturnOrderGenericProcess

    • ShipOrderGenericProcess

    To enable a custom orchestration process, you must release it and deploy it using the Action Menu on the Edit Orchestration Process Definition page.

  • Process Assignment Rules: Use process assignment rules to assign the correct orchestration process to the sales order line. You must define them so that no sales order line satisfies more than one rule at a given time. They are typically based on the Order Line Type but you can include other criteria.

  • Pretransformation Rules: Pretransformation rules run when you create an order. You can use them to add required and optional data to the sales order.

  • Collect Planning Data: You must run the Collect Planning Data program for every inventory organization that you'll be using to create sales order shipment and return lines. If you don't, you’ll get an error message when you try to create a sales order for part requirements.
    Note: You must run the collections process when you create a new inventory organization.
    • Enable the Organizations for Source Systems
      1. From the Navigator, select Manage Planning Source Systems from the Tasks list.
      2. Select the relevant source system row in the Source Systems work area.
      3. Click the Manage Organization List button.
      4. In the Manage Organization List window, click the Refresh Organization List button.
      5. Search for the organization using the search filters.
      6. Select the Enable for Collections check box for the organization you want to enable.
      7. Click Save and Close.
    • Run the Collect Planning Data Process
      1. From the Navigator, select Collect Planning Data from the Tasks list.
      2. Select a source system in the Source System field.
      3. In the Reference Data tab, select Organizations in the Reference Entities column.
      4. Click the right arrow button to move the value to the Selected Entities column.
      5. Select the Supply Planning Data tab.
      6. Select On Hand in the Supply Entities column.
      7. Click the right arrow button to move the values to the Selected Entities column.
      8. Click the Select Collection Filters button.
      9. In the Select Collection Filters window, click the Plus icon for the Organizations Filter for Transaction Data field. The Select Organizations Filter for Transaction Data window appears.
      10. Select the Include check box for the organization you want to include.
      11. Click OK.
      12. In the Select Collection Filters window, click OK to return to the Collection Planning Data window.
      13. Verify that the value in the Collection Type drop-down list is Net change.
      14. Click Submit.
  • Parts Only Sales Order Setup: You can create sales orders for parts sales, returns, and exchanges in the Service Request Parts tab, or in the Create or Manage Part Requirements page using service activity codes tied to the Customer Support or Parts Exchange business processes.

    1. Order Line Types: Set up order line types (or use predefined order line types) and assign them to each of your Customer Support and Parts Exchange SACs. Some of the predefined order line types that you may want to use include Buy and Return for credit and return the item.

    2. Orchestration Processes: Determine the DOO orchestration process for each of your business flows (Service Activities). You can use a predefined orchestration process but in most cases, you must create a new one.

      For Parts Sales and Exchange Shipments, we recommend that you copy the predefined process ShipOrderGenericProcess and add the Asset Management step (Task, DOO_AssetManagement) after the shipment step. This ensures that you update the installed base/asset tracking when you ship the parts. You should also remove the schedule step as Service Logistics sources the required parts before creating the order.

      For Parts Returns, we recommend you copy the predefined ReturnOrderGenericProces and add the Asset Management step (Task, DOO_AssetManagement) after the receiving step. This ensures the updating of the installed base/asset tracking when receiving the broken part into inventory.

    3. Process Assignment Rule: Define Process assignment rules to trigger the proper orchestration process for the sales order lines created from Service Logistics. You typically set up a rule to assign an orchestration process for each of your order line types. You can add other conditions besides the order line type if needed.

    4. Pretransformation Rules: Set up a pretransformation defaulting rule to get the payment terms for a sales order. For information, see chapter Business Rules in the Implementing Order Management guide. You must set up a pretransformation rule if you don't define payment terms on your customer accounts.

  • Bill Only Sales Order Setup: You must set up bill only sales orders to create invoices for Field Service and Depot Repair.

    1. Order Line Types: Create a new order line type (for example, Bill Only) as there is no predefined order line type to drive the processing of bill only sales order lines. Assign this new order line type to your Field Service and Depot Repair SACs.

    2. Orchestration Processes: You can create a custom DOO process or use the predefined DOO_BillOnlyGenericProcess process that meets most requirements.

    3. Process Assignment Rule: Create a new process assignment rule to assign your bill only process to your sales orders lines that contain your bill only order line type.

    4. Pretransformation Rules: Set up the pretransformation defaulting rule to get the payment terms for the bill only sales order for debrief. You must set up a pretransformation rule if you don't define payment terms on your customer accounts.

  • Depot Repair Shipment Sales Order Setup: Create sales orders to ship repaired (or replacement) parts back to customers. The depot repair shipment process is different from parts only shipments because the part to be shipped doesn't exist in inventory when creating the shipment sales order line.

    1. Order Line Types: Create a new order line type (for example, DR Shipment) for depot repair shipment order lines. Assign this new order line type to the service activity codes you set up for depot repair shipments (Depot Repair Logistics business process) in Service Logistics.

    2. Orchestration Processes: Create a custom orchestration process by copying the predefined process ShipOrderGenericProcess. Add the Asset Management step and remove the Schedule and Create Reservation steps. You must add the Asset Management step to update the installed base when shipping the repaired part back to the customer. You must remove the Schedule and Create Reservation steps so that Order Management doesn't try to source and reserve the repaired product when creating the order.

    3. In addition to adding and removing orchestration steps from your custom process, you must add and remove order line and order fulfillment line statuses. You define statuses for your orchestration process on the Status Conditions tab where there are two sub-tabs that you must update (Orchestration Line Statuses and Fulfillment Line Statuses).

      • Orchestration Line Statuses tab: Add the statuses Asset Interface Completed and Not Applicable to support the Asset Management step. To do this, you must create a new Process Class with these new statuses and assign it to your custom orchestration process. This clears out all of the statuses copied from the predefined process. Then you must manually re-enter them, except for the statuses that you no longer need because you've removed their steps from the custom process (Scheduled, Reserved, Manual Scheduling Required, and Manual Reservation). Remember to add the new statuses.

      • Fulfillment Line Statuses tab: You also must add and remove statuses on the Fulfillment Line Statuses tab. This is easier as this page provides copy functionality so you don't have to re-enter all of the statuses from the predefined process.

    4. Process Assignment Rule: Define assignment rules to trigger the proper orchestration process for the sales order lines created from Service Logistics. You typically set up a rule to assign an orchestration process for each of your order line types. You can add other conditions besides the order line type if needed.

  • Use Order Management Extensions to Populate Service Logistics Data to Sales Orders: Use Order Management extensions to pull standard and flexfield data from the Service Logistics tables into Order Management. You can do this by writing a Groovy script in Order Management extensions using the Service Logistics public view objects.

    The following public view objects also include support for flexfields:
    • oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.parts.publicView.PartsReqHeadersPVO
    • oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.parts.publicView.PartsReqLinesPVO
    • oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.parts.publicView.PartsReqLineDetailsPVO
    • oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.billing.publicView.DebriefHeadersPVO
    • oracle.apps.scm.serviceLogistics.billing.publicView.DebriefLinesPVO
  • For information on defining and assigning orchestration processes, refer to the Implementing Order Management guide.

  • For order fulfillment the bill-to-address and bill-to-account for customers must also be set up properly in TCA.