Global Order Promising

Service Logistics parts search offers Global Order Promising (GOP) as one its parts search options. However, we recommend using the other parts search features, as GOP isn't a great fit for service parts sourcing.

You must complete the following setups for Global Order Promising:

  1. ATP Rules to configure various parameters including select supply and demand types. ATP Rules must be assigned to item, organization, or item organization.

  2. Sourcing Rules: Define Sourcing Rules to set up source, sourcing type, and other attributes. You must:

    1. Create Local Sourcing Rule for Transfer Order (Work Order Parts Order)

    2. Create Global Sourcing Rule for Sales Order (SR Parts Order)

    3. Assigning Sourcing Rules to Assignment Sets

For more information, see the Using Order Promising guide.

The Global Order Promising setup also depends on the following parameters being defined:

  • Shipping method.

  • Transit time from source to destination.

  • Carriers.

For information, see the Implementing Common Features for Supply Chain Management guide.