How Can You Post Field Service Charges Automatically?

The Service Logistics Automatically Post Charges feature lets you define processing rules to automatically post charges for field service debrief.

After you've opted in to this feature, you'll set up the automatic processing rules in the Manage Auto Processing Rules for Charges page. When the field service debrief is created, a rule validation web service starts automatically to validate the charge lines against the rule conditions and process the charges.

  • If all the rule conditions are met, the charges are posted automatically and a sales order is created.

  • If there are errors, the charges aren't posted and the debrief status is changed to Needs Review.

  • Field service administrators can see the count of charge lines in the Needs Review status in their landing page. When the field service administrators reviews these debrief lines, the corresponding charge lines display the reason why the charge line wasn't automatically posted along with the conditions that failed the rule check.

  • After the errors are corrected, the charges can be posted.