Replenish Technician Trunk Stock

You can order parts to replenish the trunk stock inventory of the field service technicians.

To order parts to replenish the trunk stock inventory of the field service technicians:

  1. Select Replenish Technician Trunk Stock as your Document Type in the Create Part Requirement page. You won't need a Document Number.

  2. Select the technician name from the Technician list of values. Note that the other fields in the header region are automatically populated based on the technician selected. The list of values displays all the field service technicians that have the following:

    • Party Type of the employee should be Person in TCA Parties.

    • Usage Code is Field Service Technician. The usage code is automatically assigned to the person party when a stocking location is first assigned to the technician in the Manage Field Service Technicians page.

    • Ship-To site is defined for the technician in the Manage Customers page and an address is added to that Ship-To site.

  3. Click the Add Part button and enter the item details. The destination organization, subinventory, and address fields are populated based on the technician selection.

  4. Click Add, return to the main page, and then select Order.
    • If the parts are sourced from the field service technician trunk stock, a site-dedicated stocking location, or an unmanned field stocking location, a reservation is created.

    • If the parts are sourced from a manned warehouse, a transfer order is created.