Search for Part Requirements

You can use the Part Requirements search page to search for parts and create reservations.

Part Requirements Search

Prerequisite: To use the elastic search on the Part Requirements search page, you might need to confirm that the ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS has been run with the following input parameter: fa-scm-partrequirements
Note: You only need to run this job once when you first set up and configure the environment.

The selectable filter chips in the Search field, include:

  • Need by

  • Document Type

  • Sourcing Status

  • Ship-to Address Type

  • Work Order Area

The Part Requirements search page includes the:

  • Search bar

  • Filter Chips suggestions bar

  • Magnifying Glass icon

  • Part Requirements results table

These are described in the following table:

Part Requirements Search

Field Name


Search bar

Note: Technicians (users with RCL_FSTECH_PARTS_REQUIREMENTS_SEARCH_PRIV privilege) will only see the following document types:
  • Service Work Order
  • Third Party Service Work Order
  • Replenish Trunk Stock

The search bar opens with filter chips, which you can add or delete depending on your search needs. The selectable filter chips include:

  • Need by (LOV)

  • Document Type (LOV)

  • Sourcing Status (LOV)

  • Ship-to Address Type (LOV)

  • Work Order Area (LOV)

By default, the search page lists part requirements with Need by set to This Week.

You can also enter free text, which will search the following part requirements attributes:

  • Document Number

  • Ship-to Address

  • Source Subinventory

  • Destination Subinventory

  • Work Order Area

  • Technician

  • Order

Because the application supports autocomplete and fuzzy logic, you can partially type your search terms.

The following attributes support autocomplete:

  • Customer

  • Item

  • Source Organization Code

  • Destination Organization Code

The Item attribute also supports fuzzy logic.

Filter Chips suggestions bar

The filter chips appear in the Search bar and provide suggestions for filtering your results set. For example, you might see a filter suggestion for a document type for the part requirements. You can select this filter chip to filter your results.

When you select one of the filter chips in the suggestions bar, it’s added to the Search bar and filters the results table.

Magnifying Glass icon

You can use the Magnifying Glass icon to filter your results based on predefined filter chips and their associated values. Specifically, the magnifying glass shows filter chips with preselected values. Some examples are:

  • Need By: Last Year

  • Document Type: Service Request

  • Sourcing Status: Not Sourced

  • Ship-to Address Type: Customer

Part Requirements results table

The Part Requirements results table lists the part requirements based on your search criteria and filters. You can also sort your results by selecting the arrows next to the column headers. When you first open the page, the part requirements are sorted by the document type.

You can click the Order button for a selected part line to create transfer orders or reservations for parts.

Note: The Order button is disabled if the part line is either a service request or a service work order with a transfer order or reservation that already exists.
To access the Part Requirements header and details pages:
  • Click the Create Part Requirement button to open the Parts Requirements header page and add parts.

  • Click the Manage Parts icon to open the Part Requirements detail page and view header information and all part requirements.