About Mappings

When you match or export data from DaaS, you select a mapping between the attributes in the export file and those in your application. The mappings define which attributes will be present in the export file.

Note: Mappings that contain contact attributes require a DaaS subscription for contact records. For example, the MarketingCloudContact&CompanyMatch mapping requires a DaaS subscription for Oracle Contact Enrichment and Oracle Account Enrichment.


DaaS Provided Mappings

DaaS provides the following search export mappings:

  • CXCompanyExport (for Oracle Sales)

  • CXContactExport (for Oracle Sales)

  • MarketingCloudCompanyExport (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • MarketingCoudContactExport (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • MarketingCloudContact&CompanyExport (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • CompanyExport (for other applications)

  • ContactExport (for other applications)

  • EngagementCloudCompanyExport (for Oracle Sales File-Based Import – deprecated)

  • EngagementCloudContactExport (for Oracle Sales File-Based Import – deprecated)

DaaS provides the following match export mappings:

  • CXCompanyMatch (for Oracle Sales)

  • CXContactMatch (for Oracle Sales)

  • MarketingCloudCompanyMatch (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • MarketingCloudContactMatch (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • MarketingCloudContact&CompanyMatch (for Oracle Eloqua)

  • EngagementCloudCompanyMatch (for Oracle Sales File-Based Import – deprecated)

  • EngagementCloudContactMatch (for Oracle Sales File-Based Import – deprecated)

These provided mappings include default mappings to Sales or Eloqua independent of the input file. The other provided mappings (for other applications) have no default mappings, but the input file includes required attributes. In many cases, these provided mappings are sufficient. However, you may want to create a new mapping if you only need a subset of the attributes, or if you created a custom attribute in Sales or Eloqua that you need to map to a DaaS attribute. You can create new mappings from the existing map definition templates.

DaaS Files for Import Management in Sales

To support Import Management, DaaS provides the Sales and Service template type, as well as the following mappings: CXCompanyExport, CXContactExport, CXCompanyMatch, and CXContactMatch. When you use these mappings, DaaS create a ZIP file that contains the individual CSV files for import. Download and extract the ZIP file to a local folder, and then import each CSV file. The parent file (Account.csv) must be imported into Sales first, before the child files.

Note: DaaS generates a CSV file only generated when it has records to populate into the file: DaaS won't generate empty files. If an export or match job doesn't have data, then DaaS doesn't generate a corresponding CSV file.

When used with a CX mapping, DaaS creates the following mapping files required to import into Sales.

Account Import Files:

  • Account.csv: This is the parent mapping file for the account. It contains all companies with the same GlobalUltimateDUNSNumber as the company being exported.

    • Address.csv: This is a child account file that maps the DaaS contact (account) attributes to the Sales Address Child Object. If an account has two addresses (Main and Mailing), then DaaS generates two rows: one to store the Main address, and one to store the Mailing address. Therefore, the DaaS generated file has two sets of mappings for PartyID (PartySourceSystem + PartySourceSystemReferenceValue): one for Mailing and one for Main. If the Main address is the same as Mailing Address, then DaaS only delivers one row. Main Address is set to the "Primary" address.

    • AdditionalName.csv: This is a child account file that maps the DaaS company attributes to the Sales Additional Name Object. The DaaS generated CSV has the following values for each child row: PartyId, PartySourceSystem, PartySourceSystemReferenceValue, SourceSystem, SourceSystemReferenceValue. If a company record has five Trade Style names, then the CSV file contains five rows: one for each tradestyle.

    • AdditionalIdentifier.csv: This is a child account file that maps the DaaS company attributes to the Sales Additional Identifier Object.

    • Classification.csv: This is a child account file that maps the DaaS company attributes to the Sales Classification Object. The DaaS generated CSV file has the following values for each child row: PartyId, PartySourceSystem, PartySourceSystemReferenceValue, SourceSystem, SourceSystemReferenceValue. If a company record has 10 classification codes (code, category), then the CSV file contains 10 rows: one for each classification.

Account Import Files for Hierarchies:

  • Hierarchy.csv: Contains the hierarchy definition for one or multiple company hierarchies. Each row represents a single company hierarchy. Before you import this file, you must import the Accounts.csv file in Sales, which is a parent object.

  • HierarchyMember.csv: Contains information on the relationships of the company nodes in the hierarchy. Before you import this file in Sales, you must import the Accounts.csv file and the Hierarchy.csv file.

Contact Import Files:

  • Contact.csv: Mapping of the DaaS contact attributes to the Sales Contact Object.

  • ContactPoint.csv: Mapping of the DaaS contact attributes to the Sales Contact Point Child Object. If a contact record has multiple contact points, such as Email, Phone, and so on, then the CSV file contains multiple rows: one for each contact point.

The default mappings for Sales include required attributes and some other attributes. In many cases, these mappings are sufficient. However, you may want to include additional DaaS attributes, such as MarketableIndicator, Parent/HeadquarterBusinessName, or Competitors. To add any of these DaaS attributes, you must create a custom attribute for the DaaS attribute in Sales, and then map that new attribute to the DaaS attribute in the Manage Oracle Data as a Service Attribute Mapping and Preferences task.


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 Walmart Inc. OrganizationName
2 PartyId
3 PhoneCountryCode
4 RawPhoneNumber
5 RawFaxNumber
6 www.walmart.com URL
7 DAAS SourceSystem
8 RE5CLDA1MTk1Nzc2OSwxLDE= SourceSystemReferenceValue
9 1980 YearEstablished
10 WMT StockSymbol
11 514405000000 CurrentFiscalYearPotentialRevenueAmount
12 203611671 (US example) TaxpayerIdentificationNumber Previously, this Sales attribute name was JgzzFiscalCode.

00015 (code refers to US Social Security Number)

00017 (code refers to France Siret Number)

00012 (UK Cro Number)

NationalIdentificationCode DaaS to pass the code and description for the code (example: US Social Security Number - 00015)
14 51957769 DUNSNumber
15 ParentDUNSNumber
16 51957769 DomesticUltimateDUNSNumber
17 N PublicPrivateOwnershipFlag
18 Importindicator
19 ExportIndicator
20 SmallBusinessIndicator
21 N WomanOwnedIndicator
22 N MinorityOwnedIndicator
23 MinorityOwnedType
24 RentOrOwnIndicator
25 LaborSurplusIndicator
26 N OutOfBusinessIndicator
27 HQ HQBranchIndicator
28 51957769 GlobalUltimateDUNSNumber
29 N ParentOrSubsidiaryIndicator
30 11700 EmployeesAtPrimaryAddress
31 EmployeesAtPrimaryAddressEstimation
32 EmployeesAtPrimaryAddressMinimum
33 2200000 EmployeesTotal
34 2 TotalEmployeesEstimatedIndicator
35 TotalEmployeesMinimumIndicator
36 003 (description: corporation) LegalStatus
37 Department stores LineOfBusiness
38 0020 (code for the US) Currency
39 ENRICHED DataCloudStatus
40 MatchScore
41 Walmart is an unstoppable retail force that has. Description DaaS populates D&B "Company Description" to "Description".
42 M MarketableIndicator
43 D GEOCodeAccuracy
44 0 SalesVolumen(USDollars)ReliabilityCode
45 514405000000 Sales Volume(US Dollars)
46 SalesVolumeLocalCurrencyReliabilityCode
47 Walmart Inc. DomesticUltimateBusinessName
48 42 DomesticUltimateFIPSCountryCode
49 805 DomesticUltimateD&BCountryCode
50 AR


51 Walmart Inc. GlobalUltimateBusinessName
52 Y GlobalUltimateIndicator
53 42 GlobalUltimateFIPSCountryCode
54 805 GlobalUltimateD&BCountryCode
55 AR GlobalUltimateState/ProvinceAbbreviation
56 51957769 HeadquarterDUNSNumber
57 Walmart Inc. Parent/HeadquarterBusinessName
58 1 HierarchyCode
59 7896 NumberofFamilyMembers
60 OvertheCounterStockExchange
61 WMT NYSEStockExchange
62 MSN ASETicker
63 MKSI NMSTicker
64 BKSC NASTicker
65 N OperatesFromResidenceIndicator
66 884745530 PrimaryCompetitor1
67 -99 3YearGrowthPercentageonSalesVolume
68 -99 3YearGrowthPercentageonEmployees
69 L DelinquencyRisk
70 5 CensusFIPSTerritoryCode
71 7 CensusFIPSCountyCode
72 6999528 PrimaryCompetitor2
73 6961700 PrimaryCompetitor3
74 6997142 SecondaryCompetitor1
75 151064821 SecondaryCompetitor2
76 New York Stock Exchange GlobalExchangeName
77 Y PrimaryIndicator
78 2580 FIPSMSACode
80 805 ParentHeadquarterD&BCountryCode
81 RecordStatus
82 NewDUNSNumber
83 ReasonRecertification
84 DateRecertification
85 514405000000 MaximumARR(US Dollars)
86 2200000 MaxEmployees
87 514405000000 DomesticMaxARR(USD)
88 2200000 DomesticMaxEmployees
89 95511 ContactCount


Attribute Number Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 USA Country
2 Y PrimaryFlag
  • If DaaS only sends one address, then the address is set as "Primary".

  • If DaaS send two addresses (either during account creation or enrichment), the D&B Address with Address 1, Street Address 2, City name, State is set to "Primary = Y".

  • DaaS generates one row for Main/Primary Address and one row for Mailing Address if values are different.

3 123 Main Street Address1
4 Address2
5 San Mateo City
6 1338 PostalPlus4Code
8 CO State
9 StateName
10 San Mateo County
11 36.364313 Latitude
12 36.3643 LatitudeShort
13 -94.216848 Longitude
14 -94.2168 LongitudeShort
15 96712 PostalCode
16 967121338 FullPostalCode
17 DAAS SourceSystem DaaS populates attribute Orig System.
18 DaaS generated hex number SourceSystemReferenceValue
19 OSC Account ID Party ID This is the ID of the CX account record and used in the enrichment use case. DaaS gets the value from Sales.
20 DAAS PartySourceSystem DaaS generates value.
21 DaaS generated hex number PartySourceSystemReferenceValue DaaS generates value. This is the DaaS generated Company ID used to import the account to Sales.
22 AddressType This maps to AddressType. Type examples: SHIP_TO, BILL_TO, SELL_TO.
  • If DaaS only sends one address, the address is set to "Primary" and AddressType = BILL_TO.

  • If DaaS sends two addresses (either during account creation or enrichment), the D&B Address 1, Address 2, City, State is set to the Type = BILL_TO.

  • If DaaS sends two addresses, the D&B Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State should be set the Type = SHIP_TO.

  • DaaS generates one row for Main Address and one row for Mailing Address if values are different.

P.O. BOX 1068 Address1 CSV file contains 22 columns and multiple rows for child records.
Honolulu City
HI State
968308931 FullPostalCode
DAAS SourceSystem DaaS sends value DAAS.
DaaS generated hex number SourceSystemReferenceValue
OSC Account ID PartyId The ID of the Sales Account record and used in the enrichment use case. DaaS gets the value from Sales.
DAAS PartySourceSystem DaaS sends value DAAS.
PartySourceSystemReferenceValue DaaS generates value. Refers to the Parent DaaS OSR pair for the DaaS Account
AddressType This maps to AddressType. Type examples: SHIP_TO, BILL_TO, SELL_TO.
  • If DaaS only sends one address, the address is set to "Primary" and AddressType = BILL_TO.

  • If DaaS sends two addresses (either during account creation or enrichment), the D&B Address Address 1, Address 2, City, State is set to the Type = BILL_TO.

  • If DaaS sends two addresses, the D&B Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State should be set the Type = SHIP_TO.

  • DaaS generates one row for Main Address and one row for Mailing Address if values are different.


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 PartyId
2 PartySourceSystem
3 PartySourceSystemReferenceValue
4 SourceSystem
5 SourceSystemReferenceValue
6 ALIAS NameType
7 IBM Name
ALIAS NameType CSV file contains seven columns and multiple rows for child records.
Vendor Payables Name
ALIAS NameType
Ibm/Hillenbrand Name
ALIAS NameType
Ibm-Endicott Name
ALIAS NameType
Ibm-Endicottabcd Name


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 ID_NUMBER PartyIdentifierType ID_NUMBER is a hardcoded string passed by DaaS to Sales.
2 3128924 PartyIdentifierValue Example: D&B sends 3128924, which is the US Social Security Number.
3 PartyId
4 DAAS PartySourceSystem Refers to the Parent DaaS OSR pair for the Company from DaaS.
5 RE5CLDA1MTk1Nzc2OSwxLDE= PartySourceSystemReferenceValue Refers to the Parent DaaS OSR pair for the Company from DaaS.
6 ANY ID COMPANY IssuingAuthorityName In File-Based Data Import, the transformation rule populated this field with the value of ANY ID COMPANY.
7 DAAS SourceSystem
8 abcdefghijklmnopq SourceSystemReferenceValue


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example Import Object Attribute Display Name DaaS Column Header Notes
1 Primary PrimaryFlag If DaaS sends MajorIndustryCategoryCode, then set PrimaryFlag = Y. If DaaS doesn't send MajorIndustryCategoryCode, then Sales randomly picks one NAICSClassCategory or SICClassCategory as Primary. Users can go to the Sales UI and change the Primary flag.
2 Party ID PartyId
3 DAAS Party Source System PartySourceSystem
4 DaaS generated Hex Party Source System Reference Value PartySourceSystemReferenceValue
5 Source System SourceSystem
6 Source System Reference Value SourceSystemReferenceValue
7 ORA_HZ_MAJOR_INDUSTRY Classification Category ClassCategory
8 7 Classification Code ClassCode When code gets passed, the UI renders the value associated with the code. 0 Misc/public administration, 1 Agriculture, 2 Mining, 3 Construction, 4 Manufacturing, 5 Transportation/comm/utilities, 6 Wholesale trade, 7 Retail trade, 8 Financial services/insurance/real estate, 9 Services
9 ORA_HZ_NAICS_2017 Classification Category ClassCategory
10 452210 Classification Code ClassCode
Classification Category ClassCategory CSV file contains 10 columns and multiple rows for child records.
Classification Code ClassCode
Classification Category ClassCategory
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ORA_HZ_NAICS_2017 Classification Category ClassCategory
452319 Classification Code ClassCode
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ORA_HZ_NAICS_2017 Classification Category ClassCategory
445110 Classification Code ClassCode
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452311 Classification Code ClassCode
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Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 SourceLangFlag
2 HZ_DNB_HIERARCHY TreeStructureCode
3 060704780_Apple Inc. TreeCode
4 060704780_Apple Inc. TreeName
5 IconName Allows user to save hierarchy icon name.
6 TreeDescription Allows user to save hierarchy description.
7 060704780_Apple Inc. TreeVersionName
8 TreeVersionDesc For hierarchy tree version description.
9 TreeVersionComment For hierarchy tree version comment.
10 AsOfDate
11 EffectiveStartDate
12 EffectiveEndDate
13 US LangCode


DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 AsOfDate
2 LabelShortName
3 ParentPartyId
4 ParentPartyNumber Identifies Parent Party Number.
5 ParentPartyOrigSysRef
6 ParentPartyOrigSystem
7 PartyId
8 PartyNumber
9 PartyOrigSysRef
10 PartyOrigSystem
11 TreeCode
12 TreeStructureCode


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 PartyId
2 DAAS SourceSystem
3 DaaS generated hex SourceSystemReferenceValue The DaaS OSR pair for the contact record.
4 ENRICHED DataCloudStatus
5 AddressLine1
6 City
7 Country
8 PostalCode
9 PostalPlus4Code
10 FullPostlCode
11 State
13 MR. SalutoryIntroduction
14 Johnny FirstName
15 R MiddleName
16 Peter LastName
17 Oracle Dba JobTitle
18 Z699 MRCCode
19 MALE Gender
20 NameSuffix
21 300000115379450 AccountPartyId
22 DAAS AccountSourceSystem
23 RE5CLDgwNjA1ODYzMiwxLDE= AccountSourceSystemReferenceValue In File-Based Data Import, this was Parent DaaS ID. To keep OS/OSR names consistent, this changed to Organization Original System Reference.
24 51957769 DUNSNumber
25 248962401 IndividualID
26 24627880755 RoleID
27 7/28/2015 LastUpdatedDateRole
28 Other Department
29 Director ManagementLevel
30 Director StandardizedTitle
31 75 MatchScore


Attribute Number DaaS Data: Example DaaS Column Header Notes
1 PartyId Contact Party ID
2 DAAS PartySourceSystem
3 DaaS generated Hex for the Contact person PartySourceSystemReferenceValue
4 DAAS SourceSystem
5 DaaS generated Hex for the email SourceSystemReferenceValue
6 john.doe@microsoft.com EmailAddress
7 ContactPointType DaaS sets the value to EMAIL/PHONE
8 1234 PhoneExtension
9 5953333 PhoneNumber
10 3035953333 RawPhoneNumber
11 PrimaryFlag If RawPhoneNumber is available, the PrimaryFlag for that child record PrimaryFlag is set to "N" in CSV.