What’s New for DaaS

As soon as new features become available, DaaS (Data as a Service) instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically. Here’s an overview of recent enhancements.

Release #20.3.2 — August 2020

Feature Description
Updated Names for Unmapped Fields in Sales and Service Mappings

The Sales and Service template type mappings contained fields with "_NOTMAPPED" hardcoded into the name. When users manually mapped one of these fields, the CSV column header continued to have suffix NotMapped. These field names have been updated to be consistent with field names in other mappings. For example, MarketableIndicator_NotMapped now is named MarketableIndicator.

See About Mappings.

New Pick-list when Creating CX Sales Mappings

DaaS has a new hierarchical pick-list when creating CX Sales mappings, so only relevant choices are shown for DaaS attributes, target objects (CX Sales objects) and target attributes (CX Sales attributes).

Release #20.1.3 — March 2020

Feature Description
Import and Export Management: Mappings

In upcoming release 20D, File-Based Data Import and Export in CX Sales will be deprecated; that is, the tasks Manage File Import Activities, Manage File Export Activities, and Schedule Export Processes will no longer be supported. Oracle introduced Import and Export Management for better performance.

To conform with Import Management, DaaS provides the new Sales and Service template type, as well as four new mappings:
  • CXCompanyExport
  • CXContactExport
  • CXCompanyMatch
  • CXContactMatch

See About Mappings.

Import Management has no impact on DaaS real-time enrichment (that is, enriching data from the Account and Contact pages in CX Sales) or on DaaS batch enrichment (that is, enriching data in the Data Enrichment work area of Customer Data Management).

However, to use Import Management to add or match/enrich new data records from DaaS into CX Sales, you must first convert your existing mappings to the Import Management file format. When you use these mappings, DaaS create a ZIP file that contains the individual CSV files for import. Download and extract the ZIP file to a local folder, and then import each CSV file. The parent file (Account.csv) must be imported into CX Sales first, before the child files. You can continue to use your existing mappings that conform with File-Based Data Import, but we strongly recommend that you move to the new Import Management application (available in Navigator > Tools > Import Management) to continue importing data after 20D.

For detailed information about converting your mappings, see My Oracle Support 2661889.1 and 2661922.1.

For detailed information about Import and Export Management, see Import and Export Data (New) and My Oracle Support File Import Resource Center 2004646.1.

Import Management: Account Hierarchies Similarly, the process for exporting D&B account hierarchies has used the Manage File Import Mappings task, which won't be supported with Import Management.

Current account hierarchy files won't work with Import Management. DaaS customers must convert to the new Import Management file format. After your hierarchy files are updated, start using Import Management.

See Export Account Hierarchies.

Import and Export Management: REST API Default maps and filters have been updated to support Import and Export Management. Use the latest Match and Export and Search and Export REST API operations.

See REST API for Oracle Data as a Service.

Upcoming Migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Your DaaS environment will migrate to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) this summer as part of your regularly scheduled quarterly update. Oracle's data centers around the globe are standardizing on OCI, which will deliver greater performance and reliability.

The DaaS user interface will be in a modified state while we migrate. For example, searching within DaaS will look different, and basic search filters won't be available. As a workaround, use advanced search filters.

During and after the migration, you'll notice our service name will appear more consistently. For example, the service previously appeared as Social Data as a Service in various places, but now you'll see Data as a Service instead. Additionally, in CX Sales, you saw our service referred to as Data Cloud; for example, Get Contacts from Data Cloud. Now you'll see Get Contacts from Data as a Service.

Once the migration process is complete, you'll receive a new URL and access credentials, and you must reset your user password. There's no action at this time – you'll receive an email notification with more information.

New Task to Integrate DaaS with CX Sales Previously, DaaS and Address Verification used the same Functional Setup Manager task to integrate with CX Sales: Manage Oracle Engagement Cloud to Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service Integration. Now DaaS and Address Verification are configured separately.
  • DaaS uses the Manage Integration with Oracle Data as a Service task.

  • Address Verification uses the Manage Integration with Oracle Address Verification task.

This has no impact on existing DaaS customers.

See Integrate with Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service.

Release #19.3.3 — September 2019

Feature Description
Smart Data Smart data auto-suggests address and company information with verified data at the time of data entry. Suggestions appear as soon as you begin typing, getting better results with each character. Account smart data provides over 100 company data points, and address smart data supports over 240 countries, leading to improved data quality and faster account and contact creation.

To use smart data in Oracle Engagement Cloud, see Enable Smart Data for Accounts and Addresses.

To use the account smart data API with other applications, see REST API for Oracle Social Data and Insight Cloud Service.

To use the address smart data API with other applications, see REST API for Oracle Address Verification Cloud Service.

Service Notifications Customers now receive email notifications about the status of their subscription, such as when you're coming close to reaching the number of records purchased with your subscription or when your annual subscription is ending.

Release #19.2.3 — June 2019

Feature Description
Simplified Subscriptions DaaS now offers two types of subscriptions for new users:
  • Oracle Account Enrichment: a yearly subscription for company records
  • Oracle Contact Enrichment: a yearly subscription for contact records

DaaS used to offer monthly and yearly subscriptions for Standard Company records, Enterprise Company records, and Contact records. These are not offered for new users.

The Oracle Account Enrichment subscription contains all attributes that were previously in both the Standard and Enterprise company subscriptions.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.