Error Messages

Here are some typical error codes and messages that the service returns and possible workarounds.

Error Message Description Workaround
DCS-1 The version of the service is not supported. Provide the supported version for accessing the service.
DCS-2 An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. Contact Oracle Support.
DCS-3 Unauthorized login %s: Contact your Service Administrator.
DCS-4 Error occurred while processing request as media type is not supported. Verify the media type and try again.
DCS-25001 Authorization failed. This requires a subscription. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-25002 Authorization failed. This requires a Company subscription. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-25003 Authorization failed. This requires a Contact subscription. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-25004 Input contains an attribute to which the user is not entitled under this subscription. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-10001 Error occurred reading the input file. Check the file and try again.
DCS-10002 Record is rejected for matching. External ID is missing in the record. Provide the External ID and try again. External ID must be part of the object map definition with a valid value.
DCS-10003 The daasId passed in the request is either invalid or does not exist. Try again with a valid ID. A valid ID is obtained by matching the record.
DCS-10004 Record is rejected for matching because mandatory attributes are missing. Provide Business Name and City and try again.
DCS-10005 Record is rejected for matching because mandatory attributes are missing. Provide Contact Name and Company Name and try again.
DCS-10006 Estimated size of match output file exceeds the number of records supported in a single request. Use batch process or reduce the number of records or match limit and try again.
DCS-10007 The number of columns in the input record in the file do not match the number of headers in the input file. Correct the discrepancy in the file and try again.
DCS-10008 Failed to match any records due to an internal system error. Contact Oracle Support.
DCS-10009 Invalid Input Map passed. Pass a valid map and try again.
DCS-10010 Invalid Mode passed. Pass a valid mode and try again.
DCS-10011 Export Map is not supported for match-default mode. A set of attributes has been defined for previewing the data. Do not pass an export Map when using the "Match-default" entity match.
DCS-10012 Unauthorized: This requires the Match privilege. Contact your Service Administrator.
DCS-10013 Unauthorized: Error accessing Match logs. Contact your Service Administrator.
DCS-10014 The matchscorethreshold in the input request is invalid. Provide a valid Match Threshold (0-100) and try again.
DCS-10015 The matchlimit value in the input request is invalid. Pass a valid value (greater than zero) and try again.
DCS-10016 Estimated size of match output file exceeds the number of records supported in a single request. Reduce the number of records or match limit and try again.
DCS-10017 Record is rejected for matching because the DUNS number of the contact does not match the Company DUNS number. Contact Oracle Support.
DCS-10018 Record is rejected for matching because the column Parent DaaS ID for the contact does not exist. Parent DaaS ID is generated when the contact's company record is exported or matched with Oracle Data as a Service. Match associated company before matching contact.
DCS-10019 Input criteria are not sufficient to find a match. Provide more information and try again.
DCS-10020 Record is rejected because mandatory attributes are missing. Provide Business Name and City and try again.
DCS-10021 Record is rejected because mandatory attributes are missing. Provide Contact Name and Company Name and try again.
DCS-10022 Record identified by Company ID or Person ID has expired or has been deleted. Retry the matching of this record without a Company/Person ID value to get a new match.
DCS-10023 Company ID or Person ID or DUNS Number supplied with this input record is invalid. Retry the matching of this record with an empty Company/Person ID or empty DUNS number, or supply the correct Company ID or DUNS number.
DCS-10024 Job is rejected for matching, null value in header(s). Provide value for header in your input file and try again.
DCS-10025 Job is rejected for matching. Column headers mapped to mandatory attributes are missing from the input file. Mandatory Company attributes can be one of the below attribute combinations, which must also be available in the mapping you select for match.
  • External ID and Company ID
  • External ID and DUNS Number
  • External ID and Business Name and (Country Name or Country Code)
  • External ID and Phone Number and (Country Name or Country Code)
  • External ID and (Street Address 1 or Street Address 2) and City and (Country Name or Country Code) - for companies outside the US and Canada
  • External ID and (Street Address 1 or Street Address 2) and City and (State Name or State Code or Province Name) and (Country Name or Country Code) - for companies in the US and Canada
  • External ID and National Identification Number and (Country Name or Country Code) - for companies outside the US and Canada
  • External ID and URL and Country
Provide headers in your input file that map to the DaaS attributes listed in the error message.

Job is rejected for matching. Column headers mapped to mandatory attributes are missing from the input file. Mandatory attributes can be one of the below attribute combinations, which must also be available in the mapping you select for match.

Oracle Marketing Cloud and Generic mapping mandatory Contact attributes:

  • External ID and Person ID
  • External ID and Email Address
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Business Name
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Direct Dial Phone
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and DUNS Number
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Parent Daas ID
Oracle CX Sales mapping mandatory Contact attributes: External ID and First Name and Last Name and Business Name and Parent Daas ID
Provide headers in your input file that map to the DaaS attributes listed in the error message.
DCS-10027 Estimated size of Matches in the output (input X matchlimit) exceeds the number of records that are supported in a single request. Reduce the number of records or match limit and try again.
DCS-10028 Job is rejected for matching: the input file contains duplicate external identifiers. Provide unique external identifier for every record and try again.
DCS-10029 Record is rejected for matching because Company ID for the company record has been modified or is corrupt. Export the company record and try again.
DCS-10030 Record is rejected for matching because the DUNS Number passed in the contact record does not match the Company DUNS Number to which the contact is associated to. Pass the valid company DUNS to which contact is associated to.
DCS-10031 Record is rejected for matching because multiple matched records were found with same score. Resubmit the matching job and increase the match limit.
DCS-10032 The information provided in input records is not sufficient to get a potential match. Resubmit the matching job with records containing more information.
DCS-10033 An error occurred while matching records because partyType (companies/people) is not specified in the input request. Provide a valid party type and try again.
DCS-10034 Error occurred in reading headers in the input file. Input file must be UTF-8 compatible. Ensure the file is UTF-8 compliant and try again.
DCS-10035 The matchlimit must be set to 1 for auto-import. Resubmit the job with matchlimit=1. Set matchlimit=1 and resubmit the job.
DCS-10036 Order Reason Code required for Germany. Resubmit the record with Order Reason Code. Provide Order Reason Code in the input and try again.
DCS-10037 Invalid Country Code provided in the request. Provide valid Country in the request.
DCS-10038 Invalid DUNS number provided in the request. Provide valid DUNS number and try again.
DCS-10039 Invalid State provided in the request. Provide valid State and try again.
DCS-10040 D&B Match Service is overloaded. Retry match request in a while or submit as a batch request. Retry match request in a while or submit as a batch request.
DCS-10041 Job is rejected for matching: the input file contains zero records to process. Pass data in the input file.
DCS-10042 API is deprecated. Jobs with PreviewMode true or with outformat format .xlsx are not supported in this API. Check the documentation for the new version of this API. Get Enrich Results API is deprecated. When you call getEnrich Results API for Enrich Preview jobs or an Enrich job whose file format is other than txt/json/xml, this error is thrown.
DCS-15001 An error occurred while exporting records because invalid values are passed for {0} or {1}. Provide valid Offset and Limit values and try again.
DCS-15002 No records found matching the input. Update your input record with more information to find a match.
DCS-15003 An error occurred while exporting records because objectType (companies/people) is not specified in the input request. Provide a valid object type and try again.
DCS-15004 No records found matching the query criteria specified. Provide other query criteria and try again.
DCS-15005 An error occurred while exporting records because file format passed is not supported. Provide a valid format and try again.
DCS-15006 Unauthorized: This requires the Export Privilege. Contact your Service Administrator for more information.
DCS-15007 Unauthorized: Error occurred while performing search. Contact your Service Administrator for more information.
DCS-15008 No records found matching the daasId specified. Provide valid DaaS ID(s) and try again. A valid DaaS ID is obtained by exporting or matching the record again.
DCS-15009 No associated contacts found for the Company ID passed. Provide a valid company ID and try again.
DCS-15010 No saved search found matching the ID passed. Provide a valid ID and try again.
DCS-15011 An error occurred while saving the search criteria. Provide input without an ID (because they are auto-generated) and try again.
DCS-15012 An error occurred while saving the search criteria. Provide an input with a valid search criteria and try again.
DCS-15013 The number of records in the output exceed the Maximum limit of records that can be exported by the Export service. Update your query criteria/the number of records to be exported.
DCS-15014 Your request has been interrupted because the quota limit has been reached for Company records. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-15015 Your request has been interrupted because the quota limit has been reached for Contact records. Contact your Account Administrator.
DCS-15016 Your request cannot be completed because the objectType passed in the request is invalid. Expected objectType is People. Pass the expected objectType and try again.
DCS-15017 The number of records selected exceeds the number of records supported in a single request. Use All option or reduce the number of records and try again.
DCS-15018 An error occurred during search. No records found. Provide a valid DaaS ID and try again.
DCS-15019 An error occurred during search. Provide a valid facetname in the SearchRequest and try again.
DCS-15020 Search by range of zip codes is only supported for US postal codes. Provide a 5 digit US zip code for range.
DCS-15021 A saved search with this name already exists. Enter a unique name for the saved search or purge the existing saved search, and try again. Provider another name for the saved search or purge the existing saved search and try again.
DCS-15022 Hierarchy cannot be created because of defunct or Out of Business. Send a non-defunct or company in business record.
DCS-15023 Hierarchy Creation Request is not allowed for Contact records. Try Hierarchy export for Company records only. Try Hierarchy export for Company only.
DCS-15024 Hierarchy {0} is incomplete due to missing Company Record. The Parent Nodes of the following DUNS number company are missing: {1} Contact the Data Provider to provide records corresponding to the missing nodes.
DCS-15025 Hierarchy incomplete due missing parent company nodes, or Root Node is Out of Business. Contact Data Provider to provide records corresponding to the missing nodes.
DCS-15026 Hierarchy {0} has a the root node: {1} Out of Business Try export for an In Business company.
DCS-15027 Hierarchy {0} has the following DUNS # Out of Business: {1}. A hierarchy will be generated using the DUNS number of the node immediately above the missing DUNS# to create the parent child relationship between companies in a hierarchy. Try export for an In Business company.
DCS-15028 Hierarchy {0} has the following DUNS # without Parent DUNS number: {1}. A hierarchy will be generated using the DUNS number of the node immediately above the missing DUNS# to create the parent child relationship between companies in a hierarchy. Try export for an In Business company.
DCS-15029 Hierarchy {0} has a the following leaf nodes: {1} Out of Business. These nodes are not a part of the hierarchy. Try export for an In Business company.
DCS-15030 Hierarchy creation failed for all input records. See log file for details. Try export for complete hierarchies.
DCS-15031 Hierarchy cannot be created for record with DaasId: {0} because company is Defunct. Try export for non-defunct hierarchies.
DCS-15032 Hierarchy cannot be created for record with DaasId: {0} because company is Out of Business. Try export for non-defunct hierarchies.
DCS-15033 Hierarchy cannot be created for all input records because records are Defunct or Out of Business. Try export for non-defunct hierarchies.
DCS-15034 Hierarchy {0} cannot be created. Hierarchy is missing root company node with DUNS # of {1}. Contact Data Provider to provide records corresponding to the missing nodes.
DCS-15035 Hierarchy cannot be created for record with DaasId: {0} because record does not have a Global Duns Number. Try export for non-defunct hierarchies.
DCS-15036 Hierarchy cannot be created for Oracle CX Sales because format is not supported. Ensure file format is set to .txt. Try export by setting format to .txt.
DCS-15037 Select a Generic or Sales and Service map when exporting a company hierarchy. Try exporting hierarchies using Sales and Service or Generic maps.
DCS-15038 An error occurred during search. A positive integer value is required as radius for Postal Code Radius Search. Provide only one unit as radius.
DCS-15039 International Postal Code & Country or US Postal Code are required to perform the Postal Code Radius search. Provide the country name for international postal code.
DCS-15040 Postal Code Radius search is supported on a single country per query. Multiple values of country are not allowed. Provide the postal code for one country.
DCS-15041 Postal Code Radius search requires a unit, which should be either 'km' or 'mi'. Provide one value as radius.
DCS-15042 An error occurred during search. International Postal Code & Country or US Postal Code are required to perform the Postal Code Radius search. Provide one value as radius.
DCS-15043 Postal Code Radius search is supported on a single US Postal Code per query. Multiple values of US Postal Code are not allowed. Provide one value as US POSTAL CODE.
DCS-15044 Postal Code Radius search is supported on a single International Postal Code per query. Multiple values of International Postal Code are not allowed. Provide one value as INTL POSTAL CODE.
DCS-15045 Postal Code Radius search does not support country name along with US postal code. Provide one value as INTL POSTAL CODE.
DCS-15046 Postal Code Radius search is not supported for this country currently. Correct the input and try again.
DCS-15047 Postal Code Radius search is supported within the radius of 1500 KM or 1000 Miles. Radius should be less than 1500 KM or 1000 miles.
DCS-15048 The number of values specified for an attribute exceeds the limit supported in a single request. Maximum limit for each attribute is 1024. Number of values per attribute should be less than or equal to 1024.
DCS-15049 The hierarchy is incomplete Contact the Data Provider to provide records corresponding to the missing nodes.
DCS-15050 There are no hierarchies associated with the given daasId. Search on a parent company that has associated child records.
DCS-15051 Hierarchy tree does not exist for requested company record. Search on a company that has a hierarchy.
DCS-20001 An error occurred while creating a job definition because of invalid input passed. Update your request with valid data and try again.
DCS-20002 Job Definition with name {0} already exists. Update the name and try again.
DCS-20003 No job definition found for the job ID passed. Provide a valid job ID and try again.
DCS-20004 Map passed with the job definition does not exist. Provide a valid and existing map and try again.
DCS-20005 Unauthorized: An error occurred while accessing Jobs. Contact your Service Administrator.
DCS-20006 Unauthorized: An error occurred while accessing Maps. Contact your Service Administrator.
DCS-20007 An error occurred while saving the map because the map name already exists. Update the map name and try again.
DCS-20008 Mapping not found for a given Map ID: {0}. Provide a valid ID and try again.
DCS-20009 Map: {0} cannot be edited or deleted. Change the map and try again.
DCS-20010 An error occurred while saving the map because the mapMode is not valid. Provide a valid map mode value and try again.
DCS-20011 An error occurred while updating the map. Do not update object type or map mode or map type because they cannot be edited.
DCS-20012 An error occurred while saving the map because map attributes are not passed. Provide attributes and try again.
DCS-20013 An error occurred while deleting the map because the map ID is being used by a job. Wait for the job to complete and try again.
DCS-20014 No mapping definition found for the map name: {0} passed in the input request. Update the request with a valid map name and try again.
DCS-20015 An error occurred while returning exported results because the job definition for the given job ID does not contain export parameters. Provide a valid job ID and try again.
DCS-20016 An error occurred while returning exported results because the job ID is associated with a failed job. Provide a valid job ID and try again.
DCS-20017 An error occurred while saving the map because input contains an attribute for which daasAttributeType is not specified. Update the input map request and try again
DCS-20018 {0} is mandatory for fetching the DaaS attribute list. Provide a valid object name and try again.
DCS-20019 An error occurred while saving the map definition because mandatory attributes are missing. Add at least one of these attribute combinations in your mapping:
  • External ID and Company ID
  • External ID and DUNS Number
  • External ID and Business Name and Country
  • External ID and Phone Number and Country
  • External ID and (Street Address 1 or Street Address 2) and City and (State Name or State) and Country
  • External ID and National Identification Number and Country
  • External ID and URL and Country
Provide mapping definitions for the DaaS attributes mentioned in the error message
DCS-20020 An error occurred while saving the map definition because mandatory attributes are missing.

CX Sales mapping mandatory contact attributes: External ID and First Name and Last Name and Business Name and Parent DaaS ID

Oracle Marketing Cloud and Generic mapping mandatory contact attributes (add at least one of these attribute combinations in your mapping):
  • External ID and Person ID
  • External ID and Email Address
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Business Name
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Direct Dial Phone
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and DUNS Number
  • External ID and First Name and Last Name and Parent DaaS ID
Provide mapping definitions for the DaaS attributes mentioned in the error message.
DCS-20021 No definition exists for default generic enrich mapping. Provide valid parameters and try again.
DCS-20022 An error occurred while processing the request because the Job ID passed is not in Completed state. Provide a Job ID in Completed status and try again.
DCS-20023 The Oracle Data as a Service job timed out. Resubmit the job.
DCS-20024 Name field is empty or has leading blank spaces. Enter a valid name and try again. Enter a valid name without white spaces and try again.
DCS-20025 Mandatory attributes are missing in map definition. Provide mapping definitions for the following DaaS attributes. Company ID, Business Name, Country, Address 1, DUNS Number, Parent DUNS Number, Global Ultimate DUNS Number, Head quarter DUNS Number, Location Type.
DCS-20026 The objectType passed in the request is invalid. Expected objectType is Company or Contact. Provide the valid object type and try again
DCS-20027 The mapType passed in the request is invalid. Expected mapType is Export or Enrich. Provide the valid map type and try again.
DCS-20028 The mapMode passed in the request is invalid. Expected mapMode is GENERIC or CRM or MARKETING_CLOUD. Provide the valid map mode and try again.
DCS-20029 Output file does not exist for the given job ID. Provide a valid job ID and try again.
DCS-20030 Preview file does not exist for the given job ID. Provide a valid job ID and try again.
DCS-25009 Unable to service your request because the quota limit has been reached for Oracle Data As A Service. Contact your Oracle Account Manager to submit a renewal request or an order to add more records to your service.
DCS-25066 Admin Filter supports only .txt and .xlsx as format. Change format to a valid value.