Match records



This matches a set of records sent as a text file. The set could contain records pertaining to companies or contacts.

Versions Supported:



Query Parameters
  • Optional. Takes a value of true or false or auto. Based on this value, it processes the enrich in real time or asynchronously.If value is auto, Real time flow is executed if inputRecordsCount x matchLimit<=10 else batch flow is executed.if asynchronous set to false ensure inputrecordscount x matchlimit<="10" otherwise error thrown. if true executed.< div>
  • Optional. To match defunct companies. Takes Y/N. The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
  • Optional. To match delisted companies. Takes Y/N. The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
  • Optional. Description of the job created. Takes a string value. When not passed, NONE gets translated to an internally fixed job description: Matching Data.
  • Optional. Uses the value passed to name the job created for the request submitted. When not passed, NONE gets translated to an internally fixed job name of the format: DAAS_COMPANY/CONTACT_MATCH_TimeStamp.
  • Mandatory if enrichmapname is not passed. ID of the map to be used. Either enrichmapname or enrichmapid should be passed for match to work.
  • Mandatory if enrichmapid is not passed. Map name that is used for mapping input file headers to the DAAS fields and also contains the mapping between DAAS fields and output file columns.
  • Optional. To match Enterprise Companies which are In Business. Applicable for both company or contact match. Takes Y/N.The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
  • Optional. Format of the file to be returned. The formats currently supported are TXT/JSON/XML/XLSX. When not passed, it takes default output format set by the admin.
  • Optional. Number of matches to be returned per record. Takes an integer value.
  • Optional. Match confidence above which matches are returned. Takes an integer value.
  • Optional. To match medium sized companies which are In Business. Applicable for both company or contact match. Takes Y/N.The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
  • Optional. To match Out Of Business companies. Takes Y/N. The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
  • Optional. To match small sized companies which are In Business. Applicable only for company match. Takes Y/N.The filter value specified by user will override admin settings. When not passed, it takes default set by the admin.
Header Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - text/plain; charset=UTF-8 ()
Mandatory. Input file containing a set of records to be matched.
Root Schema : schema
Type: string
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : JobInstance
Type: object
Title: JobInstance

404 Response

Requested resource could not be found.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object

500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Example Requests:


Request Payloads:

Company Payload:
Microsoft Corporation,300100181585902,,1 Microsoft Way,,REDMOND,,98052,,US,CA,435353535,Ress4ffdfdfdffddfd=

Contact Payload:
RE5CLDI0MTA2MjcxMy4wODE0NjY4NDksMSwx,MR.,,US,Administration,Luo,RE5CLDA4MTQ2Njg0OSwxLDE=,WA,Program Manager,Program Manager,Jimmy,(425) 882-8080,(425) 705-7048,28845,1 Microsoft Way,Redmond,98052

Example Outputs:

Company Response:
    "completed": "4",
    "createdBy": "daas_user1",
    "createdOn": "2014-03-26 08:03:10.295305",
    "duplicated": "0",
    "failed": "4",
    "fileName": " "test ".txt",
    "jobDefinition": {
        "createdBy": "daas_user1",
        "createdOn": "2014-03-26 08:03:10.286317",
        "description": "Matching data",
        "enrichJobParams": {
            "enrichMapId": "10002",
            "enrichMapName": "SalesCloudContactMatch_Release9",
            "qualityThreshold": "-1"
        "jobId": "10094",
        "modifiedBy": "daas_user1",
        "modifiedOn": "2014-03-26 08:03:10.286317",
        "name": " "test "",
        "partyType": "COMPANY",
        "scheduleMode": "IMMEDIATE",
        "scheduleType": "IMMEDIATE",
        "searchType": "COMPANIES",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "type": "ENRICH"
    "jobInstanceId": "10094",
    "modifiedBy": "daas_user1",
    "modifiedOn": "2014-03-26 08:03:11.728937",
    "rejected": "2",
    "status": "COMPLETED"
Contact Response:
    "rejected": "0",
    "duplicated": "0",
    "completed": "3",
    "fileName": "Realtime_Enrich_Contact_CSV.txt",
    "jobInstanceId": "22367",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "createdBy": "",
    "modifiedBy": "",
    "logExist": "false",
    "jobDefinition": {
    "jobId": "22527",
    "name": "Realtime_Enrich_Contact_CSV",
    "type": "ENRICH",
    "partyType": "CONTACT",
    "description": "Enrich Contact in RealTime mode",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "scheduleType": "IMMEDIATE",
    "scheduleMode": "IMMEDIATE",
    "createdBy": "",
    "modifiedBy": "",
    "searchType": "PEOPLE",
    "autoImportEnabled": "N",
    "jobMode": "Open Request",
    "includeHierarchy": "N",
    "client": "STANDALONE",
    "enrichJobParams": {
   "qualityThreshold": "70",
   "enrichMapId": "10165",
   "enrichMapName": "SalesCloudContactMatch_Release9",
   "matchEngine": "Oracle",
   "newRecordCount": "3",
   "outputFormat": "TXT",
   "version": "4",
   "mapMode": "GENERIC"
    "isReviewMode": "false",
    "createdOn": "2020-05-18 09:49:04.040272",
    "modifiedOn": "2020-05-18 09:49:04.040272"
    "createdOn": "2020-05-18 09:49:04.045795",
    "modifiedOn": "2020-05-18 09:49:05.913274"
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