Get jobs that match criteria



Versions Supported:



Query Parameters
  • Optional. It is used along with toDate to get all the jobs between two dates. This parameter is used to pass the start date. The date should be of the format : YYYYMMDD
  • Optional. ID of the job definition.
  • Default Value: ALL
  • Optional. Type of job; for example, EXPORT/ENRICH.
  • Optional. Takes an integer value. Used in pagination of the list page.
    Default Value: 15
  • Optional. Takes an integer value. Used in pagination of the list page.
    Default Value: 0
  • Optional. To search jobs based on a string, pass the string value.
  • Optional.Order in which jobs are listed. Accepted values are ASC and DESC which represents Ascending Order and Descending Order respectively.
  • Optional. Used for sorting the output based on sortType = Job Name, Type, Date, Submitted By, Job Status, JobInstanceId, PartyType, EndTime.
    Default Value: Date
  • Optional. It is used along with fromDate to get all the jobs between two dates. This parameter is used to pass the end date. The date should be of the format : YYYYMMDD

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : jobInstanceList
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : jobInstancesList
Type: array
Show Source

404 Response

Requested resource could not be found.

500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
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Example Request:


Example Output:

    "jobInstanceList": {
        "completed": "4",
        "createdBy": "daas_user1",
        "createdOn": "2014-03-26 08:20:02.974237",
        "duplicated": "0",
        "failed": "4",
        "fileName": " "test ".csv",
        "jobDefDesc": "Enrichment of data",
        "jobDefId": "10095",
        "jobDefName": " "test "",
        "jobDefSearchType": "COMPANIES",
        "jobDefType": "ENRICH",
        "jobInstanceId": "10095",
        "modifiedBy": "daas_user1",
        "modifiedOn": "2014-03-26 08:20:03.561359",
        "rejected": "2",
        "status": "COMPLETED"
    "totalRecordsCount": "1"
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