Get text-based search for companies



This endpoint provides text-based, typeahead-style searches for company records. The user is expected to narrow searches down to a desired record, and then use the /v4/company/retrieve endpoint to obtain it in full.

Cost:There is no cost or increase of usage count for this action.

As input, define the query parameter orgNameAddress, with a value of whatever the user has entered so far. This could be parts from the name of the company, address line, state, country or zip code. The second mandatory input parameter is Key which is the API access key obtained from the /v4/company/preparefind endpoint.
The response consists of the following set of fixed attributes:
Id(DaaS Id), Company Name, Trade Style Name, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State Name/ Province, State Abbreviation, Zip Code, Country, Major Industry Category/ Line of Business, Sales Volume (US Dollars)

Versions Supported:



Query Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array

500 Response

An unexpected error occurred during the request.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Example Request:

/token/api/v4/company/find?orgNameAddress=Oracle Redwood&Key=WG2J41MPZLCSL4VOH92

Example Response:

  "party": [
    {"info_organization_name": "Oracle Corporation",
     "name_tradename": "Oracle",
     "location_address1": "500 Oracle Pkwy",
     "location_city": "Redwood City",
     "location_full_state": "California",
     "location_state": "CA",
     "location_postal_code: "940651675",
     "location_country": "USA",
     "id",: "BE0NDcwOTE5PywxASF=",
     "company_sales_volume": "38275000000",
     "company_maj_ind_cg": "7"
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