2021-2022 Configured Baseline Document Metadata

This is the 2021-2022 Configured Baseline Document Metadata.

This topic includes the Oracle-delivered configuration for the 2021-2022 Award Year for the Doc Metadata Guide.

Document Code Attribute Code Attribute Name Display Order Data Type Enum Mapping Is Required? Additional Resolution Actions
1040 AC1084 Tax Form Type 1 Enumeration 1040, Foreign Tax Return, U.S. Territory Tax Return Yes
1040 AC1015

Adjusted Gross Income

(Line 7 - 1040)

2 Double Yes
1040 AC1016

Taxes Paid

(Line 13 minus Line 46 of Schedule 2 - Form 1040)

3 Double Yes
1040 AC1017

Untaxed IRA Distribution and Pension total

(Lines 4a minus 4b - 1040)

4 Double Yes
1040 AC1109

Untaxed Pensions Total

(Lines 16a minus 16b - 1040, Lines 12a minus 12b, N/A - 1040EZ)

5 Double Yes
1040 AC1019

IRA Deduction

(Lines 28 + 32 of Schedule 1 - 1040)

6 Double Yes
1040 AC1020

Tax-Exempt Interest

(Line 2a - 1040)

7 Double Yes
1040 AC1021 Education Credits (Line 50 of Schedule 3 - 1040) 8 Double Yes
1040 AC1065 Filing Status 9 Enumeration Head of Household,Married Filing Jointly,Married Filing Separately,Qualifying Widower w/ Dependent,Single Yes

If doc received from Student and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Spouse: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040 OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

If doc received from Parent 1 and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Parent 2: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040 OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

1040 AC1007 Signature Date 1 Date Yes
1040x AC1084 Tax Form Type 1 Enumeration 1040, Foreign Tax Return, U.S. Territory Tax Return Yes
1040x AC1015

Adjusted Gross Income

(Line 7 - 1040)

2 Double Yes
1040x AC1016

Taxes Paid

(Line 13 minus Line 46 of Schedule 2 - Form 1040)

3 Double Yes
1040x AC1017

Untaxed IRA Distribution and Pension total

(Lines 4a minus 4b - 1040)

4 Double Yes
1040x AC1109

Untaxed Pensions Total

(Lines 16a minus 16b - 1040, Lines 12a minus 12b, N/A - 1040EZ)

5 Double Yes
1040x AC1019

IRA Deduction

(Lines 28 + 32 of Schedule 1 - 1040)

6 Double Yes
1040x AC1020

Tax-Exempt Interest

(Line 2a - 1040)

7 Double Yes
1040x AC1021 Education Credits (Line 50 of Schedule 3 - 1040) 8 Double Yes
1040x AC1065 Filing Status 9 Enumeration Head of Household,Married Filing Jointly,Married Filing Separately,Qualifying Widower w/ Dependent,Single Yes

If doc received from Student and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Spouse: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

If doc received from Parent 1 and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Parent 2: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

1040x AC1007 Signature Date 10 Date Yes
1099G AC1008 Social Security Number 1 String Yes
1099G AC1064 Payer's Federal Identification Number 2 String Yes
1099G AC1013 Box 1 Amount 3 Double Yes Sums all 1099G, W2 and Self Employed Statement Income amounts to determine if Student was required to file per Threshold amount rules. If Student is required to file supporting Docs are requested.
1099G AC1014 Box 4 Amount 4 Double Yes
1099G AC1012 Tax Calendar Year 5 Enumeration 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Yes
DriversLicense AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
DriversLicense AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
DriversLicense AC1003 Date of Birth 3 Date Yes
DriversLicense AC1004 Gender 4 Enumeration Male,Female Yes
DriversLicense AC1005 Expiration Date 5 Date Yes Checks Expiration Date, Request Updated Document
DriversLicense AC1066 Issuing Agency 6 Enumeration Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,U.S. government,District of Columbia,The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,American Samoa,Guam,The Virgin Islands,The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,The Republic of the Marshall Islands,The Federated States of Micronesia,The Republic of Palau,Federally Recognized American Indianor Alaska Native Tribe,Other Yes Value "Other" requires Manually Reviewed
DriversLicense AC1070 ID Number 7 String Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1084 Tax Form Type 1 Enumeration 1040, Foreign Tax Return, U.S. Territory Tax Return Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1015

Adjusted Gross Income

(Line 7 - 1040)

2 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1016

Taxes Paid

(Line 13 minus Line 46 of Schedule 2 - Form 1040)

3 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1017

Untaxed IRA Distribution and Pension total

(Lines 4a minus 4b - 1040)

4 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1018 Untaxed Pensions Total 5 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1019

IRA Deduction

(Lines 28 + 32 of Schedule 1 - 1040)

6 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1020

Tax-Exempt Interest

(Line 2a - 1040)

7 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1021 Education Credits (Line 50 of Schedule 3 - 1040) 8 Double Yes
ForeignTaxTranscript AC1065 Filing Status 9 Enumeration Head of Household,Married Filing Jointly,Married Filing Separately,Qualifying Widower w/ Dependent,Single Yes

If doc received from Student and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Spouse: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

If doc received from Parent 1 and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Parent 2: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

GEDCert AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
GEDCert AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
GEDCert AC1069 City 3 String Yes
GEDCert AC1006 Graduation Date 5 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
GEDTranscript AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
GEDTranscript AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
GEDTranscript AC1069 City 3 String Yes
GEDTranscript AC1006 Graduation Date 5 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
HomeSchoolCert AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
HomeSchoolCert AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
HomeSchoolCert AC1069 City 3 String Yes
HomeSchoolCert AC1006 Graduation Date 5 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
HSDiploma AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
HSDiploma AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
HSDiploma AC1068 School Name 3 String Yes
HSDiploma AC1069 City 4 String Yes
HSDiploma AC1006 Graduation Date 6 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
HSTranscript AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
HSTranscript AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
HSTranscript AC1068 School Name 3 String Yes
HSTranscript AC1069 City 4 String Yes
HSTranscript AC1006 Graduation Date 6 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
IRSExtensionApproval AC1012 Tax Calendar Year 1 Enumeration 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Yes
IRSExtensionApproval AC1007 Signature Date 2 Date
IRSForm4868 AC1007 Signature Date 1 Date Yes
IRSForm4868 AC1012 Tax Calendar Year 2 Enumeration 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Yes
LegalNameChange AC1095 Previous Last Name 1 String Yes
LegalNameChange AC1096 Current Last Name 2 String Yes
MarriageCertificate AC1095 Previous Last Name 1 String Yes
MarriageCertificate AC1096 Current Last Name 2 String Yes
NonDriversLicenseID AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
NonDriversLicenseID AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
NonDriversLicenseID AC1003 Date of Birth 3 Date Yes
NonDriversLicenseID AC1004 Gender 4 Enumeration Male,Female Yes
NonDriversLicenseID AC1005 Expiration Date 5 Date Yes Checks Expiration Date, Request Updated Document
NonDriversLicenseID AC1066 Issuing Agency 6 Enumeration Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,U.S. government,District of Columbia,The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,American Samoa,Guam,The Virgin Islands,The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,The Republic of the Marshall Islands,The Federated States of Micronesia,The Republic of Palau,Federally Recognized American Indianor Alaska Native Tribe,Other Yes Value "Other" requires Manually Reviewed
NonDriversLicenseID AC1070 ID Number 7 String Yes
NonFilingStatement AC1007 Signature Date 1 Date Yes
Passport AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
Passport AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
Passport AC1003 Date of Birth 3 Date Yes
Passport AC1004 Gender 4 Enumeration Male,Female Yes
Passport AC1005 Expiration Date 5 Date Yes Checks Expiration Date, Request Updated Document
Passport AC1066 Issuing Agency 6 Enumeration Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,U.S. government,District of Columbia,The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,American Samoa,Guam,The Virgin Islands,The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,The Republic of the Marshall Islands,The Federated States of Micronesia,The Republic of Palau,Federally Recognized American Indianor Alaska Native Tribe,Other Yes Value "Other" requires Manually Reviewed
Passport AC1070 ID Number 7 String Yes
RolloverStatement AC1076 Rollover Amount 1 Double Yes
RolloverStatement AC1007 Signature Date 2 Date Yes
SecondarySchoolLeavingCert AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
SecondarySchoolLeavingCert AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
SecondarySchoolLeavingCert AC1069 City 3 String Yes
SecondarySchoolLeavingCert AC1006 Graduation Date 5 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
SelfEmploymentStatement AC1015

Adjusted Gross Income

(Line 7 - 1040)

1 Double Yes Sums all Self Employed Statement, 1099G and W2 Income amounts to determine if Student was required to file per Threshold amount rules. If Student is required to file supporting Docs are requested.
SelfEmploymentStatement AC1016

Taxes Paid

(Line 13 minus Line 46 of Schedule 2 - Form 1040)

2 Double Yes
SelfEmploymentStatement AC1007 Signature Date 3 Date Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1068 School Name 3 String Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1071 School Representative First Name 4 String Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1072 School Representative Last Name 5 String Yes
SOEP-Campus AC1007 Signature Date 6 Date Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1068 School Name 3 String Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1073 Contains Notary Seal? 4 Enumeration Yes,No Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1074 Notary First Name 5 String Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1075 Notary Last Name 6 String Yes
SOEP-Notary AC1007 Signature Date 7 Date Yes
StateHSEquivalencyCert AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
StateHSEquivalencyCert AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
StateHSEquivalencyCert AC1069 City 3 String Yes
StateHSEquivalencyCert AC1006 Graduation Date 5 Date Yes Future Graduation Date Requires Manual Review
StateIssuedID AC1001 First Name 1 String Yes
StateIssuedID AC1002 Last Name 2 String Yes
StateIssuedID AC1003 Date of Birth 3 Date Yes
StateIssuedID AC1004 Gender 4 Enumeration Male,Female Yes
StateIssuedID AC1005 Expiration Date 5 Date Yes Checks Expiration Date, Request Updated Document
StateIssuedID AC1066 Issuing Agency 6 Enumeration Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas,Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,U.S. government,District of Columbia,The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,American Samoa,Guam,The Virgin Islands,The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,The Republic of the Marshall Islands,The Federated States of Micronesia,The Republic of Palau,Federally Recognized American Indianor Alaska Native Tribe,Other Yes Value "Other" requires Manually Reviewed
StateIssuedID AC1070 ID Number 7 String Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1084 Tax Form Type 1 Enumeration 1040, Foreign Tax Return, U.S. Territory Tax Return Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1015

Adjusted Gross Income

(Line 7 - 1040)

2 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1016

Taxes Paid

(Line 13 minus Line 46 of Schedule 2 - Form 1040)

3 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1017

Untaxed IRA Distribution and Pension total

(Lines 4a minus 4b - 1040)

4 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1109

Untaxed Pensions Total

(Lines 16a minus 16b - 1040, Lines 12a minus 12b, N/A - 1040EZ)

5 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1019

IRA Deduction

(Lines 28 + 32 of Schedule 1 - 1040)

6 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1020

Tax-Exempt Interest

(Line 2a - 1040)

7 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1021 Education Credits (Line 50 of Schedule 3 - 1040) 8 Double Yes
TaxReturnTranscript AC1065 Filing Status 9 Enumeration Head of Household,Married Filing Jointly,Married Filing Separately,Qualifying Widower w/ Dependent,Single Yes

If doc received from Student and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Spouse: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

If doc received from Parent 1 and value = Married Filing Separately, request the following documents from Parent 2: (TaxReturnTranscript OR 1040x OR ForeignTaxTranscript)

TaxReturnTranscript AC1007 Signature Date 1 Date No
VW-Dep AC1097 Parent's Marital Status 1 Enumeration Married/Remarried,Never Married,Divorced/Separated,Widowed,Unmarried and Both Parents Living together Yes
VW-Dep AC1098 Parent's Number of Family Members 2 Integer Yes
VW-Dep AC1099 Parent's Number in College 3 Integer Yes
VW-Dep AC1024 Household Member Name - 1 4 String Yes
VW-Dep AC1034 Household Member Age - 1 5 Integer Yes
VW-Dep AC1044 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 1 6 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle Yes
VW-Dep AC1054 College/University Name - 1 7 String Yes
VW-Dep AC1025 Household Member Name - 2 8 String No
VW-Dep AC1035 Household Member Age - 2 9 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1045 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 2 10 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1055 College/University Name - 2 11 String No
VW-Dep AC1026 Household Member Name - 3 12 String No
VW-Dep AC1036 Household Member Age - 3 13 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1046 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 3 14 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1056 College/University Name - 3 15 String No
VW-Dep AC1027 Household Member Name - 4 16 String No
VW-Dep AC1037 Household Member Age - 4 17 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1047 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 4 18 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1057 College/University Name - 4 19 String No
VW-Dep AC1028 Household Member Name - 5 20 String No
VW-Dep AC1038 Household Member Age - 5 21 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1048 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 5 22 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1058 College/University Name - 5 23 String No
VW-Dep AC1029 Household Member Name - 6 24 String No
VW-Dep AC1039 Household Member Age - 6 25 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1049 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 6 26 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1059 College/University Name - 6 27 String No
VW-Dep AC1030 Household Member Name - 7 28 String No
VW-Dep AC1040 Household Member Age - 7 29 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1050 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 7 30 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1060 College/University Name - 7 31 String No
VW-Dep AC1031 Household Member Name - 8 32 String No
VW-Dep AC1041 Household Member Age - 8 33 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1051 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 8 34 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1061 College/University Name - 8 35 String No
VW-Dep AC1032 Household Member Name - 9 36 String No
VW-Dep AC1042 Household Member Age - 9 37 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1052 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 9 38 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1062 College/University Name - 9 39 String No
VW-Dep AC1033 Household Member Name - 10 40 String No
VW-Dep AC1043 Household Member Age - 10 41 Integer No
VW-Dep AC1053 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 10 42 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Dep AC1063 College/University Name - 10 43 String No
VW-Dep AC1077 Response to whether student successfully used IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 44 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1078 Response to whether student plans to use the IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 45 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1079 Response to whether the IRS DRT tool was not available for the student to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 46 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1080 Response to whether the student had an "other" tax scenario (i.e. amended tax return, granted a filing extension, victim of identity theft or filed a non-IRS tax return) from the tax filer section 47 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1081 Response if the student is not required and will not file a tax return for this Aid Year from the tax filer section 48 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1082 Response if the student was not employed and had no income in the aid year from the non tax filer section 49 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1083 Response if the student was employed and had income in the Aid Year from the non tax filer section 50 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1100 Response to whether parent successfully used IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 51 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1101 Response to whether parent plans to use the IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 52 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1115 Response to whether the IRS DRT tool was not available for the parent to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 53 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1102 Response to whether the parent had an "other" tax scenario (i.e. amended tax return, granted a filing extension, victim of identity theft or filed a non-IRS tax return) from the tax filer section 54 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1103 Response if the parent is not required and will not file a tax return for this Aid Year from the tax filer section 55 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1104 Response if the parent was not employed and had no income in the aid year from the non tax filer section 56 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1105 Response if the parent was employed and had income in the Aid Year from the non tax filer section 57 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Dep AC1007 Signature Date 58 Date Yes
VW-Dep AC1094 Signature Last Name 59 String Yes If value does not equal ISIR.Last Name, request one of (LegalNameChange, MarriageCertificate, DriversLicense, Passport, NonDriversLicenseID)
VW-Dep AC1113 Parent Signature Date 60 Date Yes
VW-Dep AC1114 Parent Signature Last Name 61 String Yes If value does not equal ISIR."Parent 1 Last Name" or ISIR."Parent 2 Last Name", request one of (LegalNameChange, MarriageCertificate, DriversLicense, Passport, NonDriversLicenseID) from Parent 1
VW-Ind AC1093 Student's Marital Status 1 Enumeration Single,Married/Remarried,Separated,Divorced or Widowed Yes
VW-Ind AC1022 Student's Number of Family Members 2 Integer Yes
VW-Ind AC1023 Student's Number in College 3 Integer Yes
VW-Ind AC1024 Household Member Name - 1 4 String Yes
VW-Ind AC1034 Household Member Age - 1 5 Integer Yes
VW-Ind AC1044 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 1 6 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle Yes
VW-Ind AC1054 College/University Name - 1 7 String Yes
VW-Ind AC1025 Household Member Name - 2 8 String No
VW-Ind AC1035 Household Member Age - 2 9 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1045 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 2 10 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1055 College/University Name - 2 11 String No
VW-Ind AC1026 Household Member Name - 3 12 String No
VW-Ind AC1036 Household Member Age - 3 13 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1046 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 3 14 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1056 College/University Name - 3 15 String No
VW-Ind AC1027 Household Member Name - 4 16 String No
VW-Ind AC1037 Household Member Age - 4 17 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1047 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 4 18 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1057 College/University Name - 4 19 String No
VW-Ind AC1028 Household Member Name - 5 20 String No
VW-Ind AC1038 Household Member Age - 5 21 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1048 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 5 22 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1058 College/University Name - 5 23 String No
VW-Ind AC1029 Household Member Name - 6 24 String No
VW-Ind AC1039 Household Member Age - 6 25 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1049 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 6 26 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1059 College/University Name - 6 27 String No
VW-Ind AC1030 Household Member Name - 7 28 String No
VW-Ind AC1040 Household Member Age - 7 29 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1050 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 7 30 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1060 College/University Name - 7 31 String No
VW-Ind AC1031 Household Member Name - 8 32 String No
VW-Ind AC1041 Household Member Age - 8 33 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1051 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 8 34 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1061 College/University Name - 8 35 String No
VW-Ind AC1032 Household Member Name - 9 36 String No
VW-Ind AC1042 Household Member Age - 9 37 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1052 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 9 38 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1062 College/University Name - 9 39 String No
VW-Ind AC1033 Household Member Name - 10 40 String No
VW-Ind AC1043 Household Member Age - 10 41 Integer No
VW-Ind AC1053 Household Member Relationship(s) to student - 10 42 Enumeration Aunt,Cousin,Daughter,Fiance,God Child,Grandchild,Grandparent,In-law Parent,In-law Sibling,Nephew,Niece,Parent,Self,Sibling,Significant Other,Son,Spouse,Step-Child,Step-Parent,Step-Sibling,Unborn Child,Uncle No
VW-Ind AC1063 College/University Name - 10 43 String No
VW-Ind AC1077 Response to whether student successfully used IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 44 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1078 Response to whether student plans to use the IRS DRT tool to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 45 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1079 Response to whether the IRS DRT tool was not available for the student to transfer tax information from the tax filer section 46 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1080 Response to whether the student had an "other" tax scenario (i.e. amended tax return, granted a filing extension, victim of identity theft or filed a non-IRS tax return) from the tax filer section 47 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1081 Response if the student is not required and will not file a tax return for this Aid Year from the tax filer section 48 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1082 Response if the student was not employed and had no income in the aid year from the non tax filer section 49 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1083 Response if the student was employed and had income in the Aid Year from the non tax filer section 50 Enumeration Yes,Blank No
VW-Ind AC1007 Signature Date 51 Date Yes
VW-Ind AC1094 Signature Last Name 52 String Yes If value does not equal ISIR.Last Name, request one of (LegalNameChange, MarriageCertificate, DriversLicense, Passport, NonDriversLicenseID)
W2 AC1008 Social Security Number 1 String Yes
W2 AC1009 EIN 2 String Yes
W2 AC1010 Box 1 Amount 3 Double Yes Sums all W2, Self Employed Statement and 1099G Income amounts to determine if Student was required to file per Threshold amount rules. If Student is required to file supporting Docs are requested.
W2 AC1011 Box 2 Amount 4 Double Yes
W2 AC1085 Box 12a Code 5 Enumeration A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y,Z,AA,BB,DD,EE,FF No
W2 AC1089 Box 12a Amount 6 Double No
W2 AC1086 Box 12b Code 7 Enumeration A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y,Z,AA,BB,DD,EE,FF No
W2 AC1090 Box 12b Amount 8 Double No
W2 AC1087 Box 12c Code 9 Enumeration A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y,Z,AA,BB,DD,EE,FF No
W2 AC1091 Box 12c Amount 10 Double No
W2 AC1088 Box 12d Code 11 Enumeration A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y,Z,AA,BB,DD,EE,FF No
W2 AC1092 Box 12d Amount 12 Double No
W2 AC1012 Tax Calendar Year 13 Enumeration 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Yes