Implementing Configuration Workbooks

The majority of the configuration is maintained in Configuration Workbook Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files that are updated and uploaded to the system .

Overview of Baseline Configuration

Oracle provides a Baseline Configuration of populated Configuration Workbooks to provide a strong starting point for your configuration based on common U.S. Department of Education (ED) guidelines and customer historical ISIR data.

If you elect not to implement any institution-specific configuration, installing the Baseline Configuration allows you to process financial aid in compliance with the ED's regulations for the majority of students. Oracle updates the Baseline Configuration when regulations and product features are updated. A full set of updated Configuration Workbooks is delivered with Release Notes for every product release. Too access product release downloads, see Doc ID 2613016.1 on My Oracle Support.

Baseline Configuration

Baseline Configuration is designed to automatically request documents, clear ISIR Comment Codes (C-Codes), package, award, disburse, and return funds based on U.S. Department of Education (ED) guidelines.

These workbooks require updates in order to implement the provided baseline configurations for Student Financial Aid. Items that require updates for Student Financial Planning (SFP) only are noted:

  • School Workbook
    • Federal School Code
    • OPEIDs
    • COD Routing ID (SFP only)
  • Cost of Attendance (COA) Workbook (SFP only)
    • All fields/columns

Extensibility and Change Management of Configuration Workbooks

You may modify the delivered Baseline Configuration as much or as little as desired to meet your school’s business needs. However, if you modify the configuration workbooks, you are responsible for maintaining the modifications when the delivered configuration is updated due to annual regulatory updates or new features.

Oracle does not warranty institutional-specific configuration because Oracle cannot guarantee it is compliant or that it produces desired results.

You can take a snapshot of each Baseline Configuration release to release manage configuration just like you release manage code. Anytime the Baseline Configuration is updated by Oracle, the changes or enhancements are documented in the release notes. If anything catastrophic goes wrong, you can always rollback the configuration to the prior configuration release. Anytime you update the configuration to meet your schools specific needs, you would save a ZIP file, for example, ConfigRelease_%, of the configuration files and maintain a set of release notes for your school associated with the name of your ZIP file.

For more information, see Configuration Workbooks.