Frequently Asked Integration Questions

Here are some questions frequently asked about integration. Information that relates to Student Financial Planning (SFP) only is indicated:

Q: Can we request NSLDS file from U.S. Department of Education (ED) from a Test SFP system? (SFP only)

A: No, the test environment does not communicate with ED via the SAIG mailbox.

Q: What is the web service end point for VUG where the SAIG files would be loaded into?

A: The test SAIG file repository URL is

Q: What are the commands to Post SAIG (for example, ISIR, NSLDS (SFP only), COD (SFP only)) files and files from the institution or student?

A: An example curl command that demonstrates how to load files into the SAIG file repository can be found here: Vocado US Department of Education Gateway. An example curl command that demonstrates how to load files into MPG application can be found here:Message Processing Gateway. If you need the credentials, contact your service administrator.

Q: How many consumers can we connect to the MPG?

A: You can connect multiple consumers, but please note messages are pulled from the MPG in first in first out sequence and once a message is pulled from the MPG it disappears from the outbound queue. Therefore, for consistency, we recommend connecting only one consumer for event-based outbound messages.

Q: How do I set up an external Document Management System (DMS)?

A: To set up an external DMS instead of using the delivered DMS feature in Student Self Service, log a service request providing the base URL of your DMS. For example, if you access your DMS using a URL like where docid123 is the document's unique ID, then your DMS's base URL would be Usually if you are using an external DMS, you are also using an external Student Self-Service solution.