Academic Year And Payment Period - Term

To accurately award students, Student Financial Planning (SFP) defines the student's Academic Year and Loan Periods. SFP uses the information in the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message to calculate terms, academic years, and loan periods.

What SFP Does Automatically

SFP automatically:

Determines which academic year and payment period logic to use

The SAFI message indicates how to treat the student based on the data sent. When SFP receives a SAFI, the application associates courses to terms based on the course start and end dates and how they align to the term start and end dates.

SFP accepts courses that have start and end dates within the term start and end dates, The application also supports courses that may begin before the term start date or extend past the term end date. When SFP receives a SAFI message, the application associates courses to terms based on what term the course overlaps.

For students that have a Course that overlaps multiple terms, that Course must have a TermStartDate in the SAFI message. When a Course has a TermStartDate, the Course is associated with the Term that starts on the Course-level TermStartDate. As TermStartDate is optional, the application rejects the SAFI with an error in the APP Event Error Report if the student's Course overlaps multiple terms, and the TermStartDate isn't present at the Course level.

Mapping Logic for Term Schools

There are two ways to map academic years for term schools:

  • Standard Academic Year (SAY)Term.
  • Borrower-Based Academic Year (BBAY) Term.

Determines course credits needed (UI Purposes Only)

SFP determines the number of credits the student needs to complete their program. The application doesn't prevent packaging a student if the SAFI doesn't contain enough courses to graduate; this is purely for UI purposes. The application determines the number of:
  • Total program credits.
  • Credits the student has passed out of.
  • Accepted transfer credits from each institution
  • Institutionally-completed credits that are applicable and have been completed before the Program Start Date.
  • First-time passed retakes
  • Course credits needed to complete the program; not including program courses completed.

Determines the total program scheduled units (UI Purposes Only)

SFP maps the entire schedule for all eligible courses listed in the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message, beginning with the first scheduled course in the student's program. The application begins mapping based on whichever Academic Year contains a Program Start Date or a Packaging Start Date and calculates the sum of credits for all courses in the term.

If the course status is Passed, Scheduled, Projected, Enrolled or Incomplete, SFP adds the course units. If the course status is Failed or Withdrawn, SFP only adds the course units if the enrollment status is Withdrawn or Deceased and the OLDA is within the courses start and end dates.

SFP only packages the student for Title IV funds for terms where the (Packaging Start Date is < Term Start and Term End Date) OR (Term End Date< = Packaging Start Date > = Term Start Date).

Maps out a Standard Academic Year

SFP saves the academic year dates according to how they were sent in the SAFI message, then saves the Term Start and End Dates for each term in the Academic Year Period. The application only includes a Summer term in the Academic Year if the Summer term indicator is true, and there is a course scheduled within the term. Otherwise, SFP ignores the Summer term.

There can be more than one or two terms in the Academic Year Period because it's based on how the program is set up.

Maps out Borrower-Based Academic Year

For borrower-based programs, you map out an academic year based on the number of terms required to complete an academic year. The only caveat is that you cannot begin an academic year for which you do not have any courses.

SFP determines the number of terms required to complete an Academic Year for the program via the <BbayTerm> element in the SAFI message. Beginning with the first Academic Year, the application determines the first term and sets the academic year start date. SFP reviews each subsequent term sent in the SAFI message and completes the academic year based on the required number of terms in an academic year (irrespective of whether there is a course within a term). To complete the process the application continues to look for the next subsequent term that contains a course and sets the academic year start date and repeats the process until the student has enough academic years/terms to complete the program.

Determines the loan periods and loan period dates

SFP evaluates both the number of total terms in the academic year as well as the student's scheduled enrollment for each term (in other words, term contains at least 1 course). If the academic year contains less than or equal to two terms, the application creates a single loan period for the entire academic year. If the academic year contains more than two, but less than or equal to four terms, the application may have to create multiple loan periods for the academic year depending on the student's enrollment in each term. If the student has courses in every term in the academic year, then SFP creates a single loan period. Otherwise, SFP creates a loan period inclusive of each consecutive set of terms that has enrollment. If there is a term for which there is no enrollment, then SFP ends the loan period, skips the term without enrollment and starts a new loan period beginning with the next term with enrollment

Loan Period Numbering

SFP numbers the loan periods in sequential order. If a new loan period needs to be created, the application uses the next available number.


Trimester school w/4 academic years w/single loan period

  • Academic Year 1 w/ Loan Period #1
  • Academic Year 2 w/ Loan Period #2
  • Academic Year 3 w/ Loan Period #3
  • Academic Year 4 w/ Loan Period #4
  • If the student decides not to enroll in an Academic Year 1, Term 2, the application shortens Loan Period #1 to only cover the first term, and a NEW loan period is created for the third term. Since Loan Period 1-4 have already been created, the new Loan Period # will be 5. So you'll have Academic Year 1 w/ Loan Period #1 and Loan Period #5.
  • If the student then decides to enroll in Academic Year 1, Term 2, the application extends Loan Period # 1 to cover the entire academic year and essentially "cancel out" Loan Period #5.
  • If the student decides not to enroll in a Academic Year 1, Term 2, the application, again, shortens Loan Period #1 to only cover the first term and re-use Loan period #5 for Term #3 since it was already created and associated to Term 3 previously.

Determines the number of completed credits for term schools

SFP determines the number of completed credits (Term/Academic Year) by calculating the sum of all course units where the scheduling status is Passed for the term and/or for the academic year.

Determines the term enrollment status

SFP reviews each term in the student's schedule and determines how many credits are in the term and then sets the appropriate enrollment status for the term. SFP takes into consideration if the SAFI Received Date is greater than or equal to each course end date before determining whether to count the credits in the term. Example, if the student does not have an ARA in the course and the course is in the past, the credits aren't counted.

Factors to consider to count credits

SAFI Create Date vs Course End Date ARA Count Credits?
SAFI Creation Date > Course End Date Yes Yes
SAFI Creation Date > Course End Date No No
SAFI Creation Date <= Course End Date Yes Yes
SAFI Creation Date <= Course End Date No Yes

Determines term enrollment status for withdrawn students

When a program enrollment status of Withdrawn or Deceased is received for a student, the application re-calculates the enrollment status for the term the withdrawal occurs (based on the official last date of attendance). After selecting the term, SFP counts the credits for all courses that have an Attendance Related Activity (ARA) and a start and end date that falls before and within the students' official last date of attendance.

Enrollment Statuses

Total Course Units Enrollment Status
12+ Full Time
9-11 Three Quarter-Time
6-8 Half-Time
<6 Less than Half-Time
0 Not Attending

Determines if the academic year or term is considered Actual or Projected

If the Academic Year or Term does not meet the following requirements, the Academic Year or Term is considered Projected.

Requirements for the Academic Year or Term to be Considered Actual

  • Academic Year = Actual

    1. The current date is greater than or equal to the Academic Year End Date
    2. All of the courses in the academic year have one of the following scheduling statuses:
      • Passed
      • Failed
      • Withdrawn
      • Incomplete
  • Term = Actual

    1. The current date is greater than or equal to the Term End Date
    2. All of the courses in the academic year have one of the following scheduling statuses:
      • Passed
      • Failed
      • Withdrawn
      • Incomplete

Determines and Updates Loan Fees Associated with Loans for a Given Academic Year

For more details, see Loan Fee Management.

To view the Loan Fees associated with a specific Award Year, see New Award Year Updates in the Product Release Notes. Choose the Award Year you want to review. See Document ID 2613016.1 on My Oracle Support.

Configurable Attributes

This feature does not have any configurable features.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to view the following information.

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the SFP User Interface Functionality

To view the Academic Year Term Dates:

SFP User Interface > Student > Financial Information > Packaging

To view the Course dates for each term, click on the Academic Year Summary graph.