Add An Adjustment To The COA

You can add a positive or negative adjustment to the student's Cost of Attendance. Student Financial Planning accepts any value you enter.


Downstream Impact

Once an adjustment is added to a student record, every package moving forward includes the COA adjustment for that Academic Year.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Student
  • COA Adjustment

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner
    • Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging
  2. Click the icon to add an adjustment to the COA
  3. Add Adjustment
  4. Enter Item
  5. Enter Amount
  6. Add Comment
  7. Save Adjustment
  8. Ok to confirm
  9. Wait for the student record to repackage and review the new packaging version

    Repackaging Reason: An adjustment was made to the student's COA

  10. Review updates to the Cost of Attendance
  11. Review updates to the packaged funds
  12. Click the icon to view the added adjustment
  13. Review the Adjustments section and confirm the adjustment was added