Add, Edit, or Remove a TIV Fund

You can add Title IV funds to a student record, edit existing Title IV funds, and remove Title IV funds.


You're are required to add or edit each of the fields to override the fund information.

Note: To add, edit, or remove a Non-Federal Fund (NFF), see Non-Federal Funds.

Downstream Impact

Once you manually change fund information, Student Financial Planning (SFP) repackages the student using the manually overridden fund information from that packaging version moving forward. However, you must continue to monitor the manually overridden fund for the duration of the Academic Year and all edits must be manual.No additional automated changes will be made for that fund.

If any subsequent events occur that impact the fund amounts, revisit the student record and make additional edits as needed.

Here are some subsequent events that may impact the fund amounts:

  • Subsequent ISIR CPS Transaction.
  • New NSLDS record.
  • Subsequent SAFI(s) that result in a Cost of Attendance change.
  • Updated Fund Acceptance messages.
Note: A manual update should be made using the UI where it will have the most impact to downstream processing.For example, if a Disbursement Amount is inaccurate, you must determine if the update should be made at the Fund Level (Student > Financial Information > > Packaging) or at the Disbursement Level (Student > Financial Information > > Disbursing). If the Fund Amount is updated at Fund Level, future re-packages won't impact Disbursements downstream. However, if the Disbursement Amount is updated at Disbursement Level, future re-packages could cause the Disbursement Amount to be updated, resulting in an inaccurate Disbursement Amount due to new information.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management in order to complete these manual processing steps:

  • Student
  • Package Fund Edit
  • Edit Fund Acceptance

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Tips for Adding, Editing, and Removing Title IV Funds

Here are some tips for adding:
  • Pell Grants
  • Direct Loans
  • PLUS/GPLUS Loans

Read these tips before using the manual processing steps to add, edit, or remove a fund.

Manual Processing Tips for Pell Grants

  • Take into consideration all amounts for the Award Year including the current enrollment and all prior enrollments.
  • Enter the Decimal Carry Over Amount correctly. If you don't enter this data correctly, it may result in inaccurate awarding in future payment periods/academic years. If you enter the Decimal Carry Over Amount as $0.00 Student Financial Planning doesn't add or subtract any amount in the subsequent payment period. When you enter a negative value (i.e. -0.5) that amount is subtracted from the subsequent payment period; whereas when a positive value (0.5) is entered that amount is added to the subsequent payment period.
    Note: If the Decimal Carry Over Amount is entered incorrectly, future disbursements may be incorrectly awarded or rejected.
Current Payment Period Award Amount Correct Decimal Carry Over Amount Resulting Amount of the "NEXT" PP Standard Rounding Rule Applied Incorrect Decimal Carry Over Amount Resulting Amount of the "NEXT" PP Standard Rounding Rule Applied Resulting Value Impacted?
2907.5 0.0 2908 0.5 2908 No
2907.5 -0.5 2907 0.0 2908 Yes
2907.5 0.5 2908 -0.5 2907 Yes

Manual Processing Tips for Direct Loans

  • Take into consideration all amounts for all overlapping loans (external or internal).
  • Take into consideration all amounts including the current enrollment and all prior enrollments and make sure the total annual combined aggregate limit is not exceeded.
  • Make sure the student's grade level is correct.
    Note: If you do not enter the grade level correctly it may result in either an over-award or the student may be underfunded

Manual Processing Tips for PLUS/GPLUS Loans

  • When you are adding or editing a PLUS or Grad PLUS loan, you must make sure to select the correct PLUS Response Info.
    Note: If you do not select the correct PLUS Response file, COD will not be able to associate the borrower with the loan.

Manual Processing Steps to Add a Fund

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the Search Student field.
  2. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging.
  3. Click Add Fund.
  4. Choose Fund Type.
  5. Enter all fields.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Confirm the fund and award amount is successfully added to the student's package.

Manual Processing Steps to Edit a Fund

Note: Use the same tips for Manual Processing Steps to Add a Fund.

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging.
    Note: You can review a prior packaging version's input values. Use this as a reference only. Don't copy and paste the values, but rather use the information as a reference to modify the current packaging version inputs.
  3. Click the Edit Fund link for the Fund Type you want to edit.
  4. Review every field and update as needed.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click OK to confirm.
  7. Refresh and confirm student repackaged due to: Package Details were manually overridden.
  8. Confirm fund and fund amount updated.
  9. Confirm subsequent processing occurred (for example, Disbursement Updates).

Manual Processing Steps to Remove a Fund

Manual Processing Tip to Remove a Fund

  • To remove funds, update each field, and reduce the Award Amount to $0.00.

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the Search Student field.
  2. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging.
  3. Click the Edit Fund link next to the fund type you want to remove.
  4. Update the Fund Amount to $0.00.
  5. Update the Is Eligible to "False".
  6. Add a comment.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click OK to confirm.
  9. Refresh and confirm student repackaged due to: Package Details were manually overridden.
  10. Confirm fund and fund amount updated to $0.00.
  11. Confirm subsequent processing occurred.