Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement

Student Financial Planning's integration with the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Mailbox allows the student's Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement file to be automatically imported and displayed on the user interface. The feature is also known as Informed Borrower.


Note: The disbursement criterion for this feature is delivered as “Disabled”. In order to enable it, you must submit a Service Request to Oracle Support to enable the "Title IV loan disbursement has an Informed Borrower acknowledgment" disbursement criterion. Once enabled, you may also submit a Service Request to disable the disbursement criterion, needed.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Validates/Imports Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement

When COD generates CRIB message class for a completed Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement file and transmits it through the SAIG Mailbox, Student Financial Planning recognizes, accepts and imports the files and displays the CRIB data in the user interface. The system is designed to automatically receive the files at configured intervals.

Creates Student History Entry

Student Financial Planning creates a Student History Entry when an Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement file is received.

The Notification framework evaluates the clearing conditions every time the configured Required Trigger event is completed.

Configurable Attributes

Configure when Borrower Information is required

This is not a configurable feature.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission through Roles Management:

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Planning User Interface Functionality

To view Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement information:

Student Financial Planning User Interface > Student > USDE > Informed Borrower