Change the Verfication Status Code

You can override the configured U.S. Department of Education (ED) ISIR Verification Status Code.

Within the ISIR page you can override the configured Verification Status Code value on a student and award year basis. When you override the value, a new student history entry is created showing both the old and the new values.

Verification Status Override Values

Verfication Status Code Description

The student completed Verification. This includes students selected by the Central Processing System (CPS) and by your school using your own criteria.


The student is selected for Verification, and you chose to pay a first disbursement of Pell Grant without Documentation. This code must be updated once Verification is complete, or ED will reduce the Pell Grant to zero in the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system.


CPS selected the student for Verification, but you didn't verify then because they satisfied a Verification exclusion other than the post-enrollment exclusion.

Report a blank if you haven't performed Verification for other reasons. For example:
  • The student wasn't selected for Verification

  • The student was selected for Verification by CPS after ceasing enrollment at your school and all disbursements, including late disbursements, were made.

  • You disbursed aid on an initial ISIR transaction not selected for Verification, a later ISIR transaction is selected, and the student didn't complete Verification.

Tips and Considerations

  • Once the Verification Status Code has been manually overridden, it can only be updated manually for the remainder of that Award Year.

  • After manually overriding the Verification Status Code, you must manually re-trigger originations to communicate the new value to CPS.

  • The Effective Date configured in the ISIR Verification Codes configuration worksheet should be based on your institution's policy of when you began waiving their verification requirements.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Student.
  • ISIR Status Code Override.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid FAS User Interface (UI).

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Student > USDE > ISIR.
  3. Choose the Award Year ISIR to review.
  4. Click the ISIR Codes tab.
  5. Click the Change link next to the ISIR Verification Status Code you want to update.
  6. Choose a new ISIR Verification Status.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Scroll down and review the Resolved Codes.

    Manually and automatically resolved codes are displayed in this section of the "View ISIR Codes" screen.

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