Complete ISIR Review - Task

Complete ISIR Review tasks are created based on institutional policy when it is determined that the student's active ISIR contains C-Codes, Reject Codes, Highlights or Assumptions that have been configured by the institution to be manually reviewed by a user.


You can view comment codes, c-codes, reject codes, assumptions, highlights, data discrepancies and ISIR corrections (when applicable) in the Student Financial Aid user interface on the within a Complete ISIR Review task.

You can view and/or request additional documents from the student, spouse, or parent if necessary and associate them to the Valid ISIR Process. You can also make/submit ISIR corrections while completing a manual ISIR review task and view associated Student Notifications and/or Student History Entries.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Student
  • Dashboard
  • Task
  • ISIR Review Task
  • Document permissions are required to view and complete the Review Document for Approval tasks

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner
    • You can review the student record prior to starting the task
  2. Navigate to Menu Bar > Dashboard > Task Overview > Complete ISIR Review (task queue) for Approval task queue
  3. Start/Resume task for student
  4. Show only Codes/Fields that Require Clearance
    • Check to review only codes that need to be cleared
    • Uncheck to review all codes on the ISIR that do not require clearance or are already resolved
  5. Review the following Tabs:
    • Comment Codes
    • Assumptions & Highlights
    • Discrepancies
    • ISIR Fields
  6. Update the Student Record as necessary based on information presented within each tab
    • You can review supporting documents from within the task queue
  7. Choose an option for making ISIR updates
    • Click Save ISIR Changes for Later if you do not have the documentation on file to clear the code
    • Click Clear Code if you have the information on file necessary to clear the code
  8. Choose an option for completing the ISIR Review task
    • Complete Task to clear all ISIR codes
      • The ISIR is updated to a Corrected status, the associated Valid ISIR process continues, and any corrections that are queued as a result of automation or from the task queue are transmitted to CPS
    • Complete Task With Open Codes to close the task with unresolved codes because student follow up is required
      • If all codes that the user is able to clear have been cleared; this option provides the user a way to remove the task from their workflow
      • When a user chooses this option, a message is returned to verify that the task is being completed without all codes being cleared
      • The ISIR remains in a Pending status, the associated Valid ISIR process remains open, and any corrections that are queued as a result of automation or from the task queue are not transmitted to CPS until all codes are cleared

The Complete ISIR Review task is created only after all pending document requests have been received, reviewed (if required) and are in an Acceptable status.

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