General Title IV Eligibility Requirements

General Title IV Eligibility Requirements specify the general eligibility requirements that all students must meet to be considered eligible for Title IV funds.


Student Financial Planning determines if the student and the student's program meet general Title IV eligibility requirements in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education. Student Financial Planning automatically determines the student's Federal Student Aid (FSA) eligibility by evaluating the student's Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) record, the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) file, and the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message. If the student meets all of the General Title IV eligibility requirements, the student is eligible to receive Title IV funds and is packaged. If the student does not meet one or more of the general Title IV requirements, the student is not eligible to receive Title IV funds and is packaged with non-federal funds only.

Eligibility Statuses

Status Description
Eligible Student meets eligibility requirements for the type of Title IV funding
Ineligible Student does not meet eligibility requirements for the type of Title IV funding

Student Financial Planning Automatically

Determines if the Student is Title IV Eligible

If the student meets all of the Title IV eligibility requirements in each eligibility section, then the student is eligible to receive Title IV funds. If the student does not meet one or more of the eligibility requirements in each eligibility section, then the student is not eligible to receive Title IV funds.

General Title IV Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Section Requirement Check
Program Student is enrolled in an approved financial aid program

SAFI Program element FA Eligible Indicator equals true

Program FA Eligible = Yes

High School Equivalency Student obtained a high school diploma or the equivalent of a high school diploma (can be bypassed through configuration)

ISIR Field 29: HS Diploma or Equivalent


  • 1 = High school diploma
  • 2 = GED
  • 3 = Home Schooled


  • 4 = None of the above
  • Blank
  • Null
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Student maintained SAP requirements if the student is currently enrolled in the institution

SAP status


  • RG (Regular)
  • FW (Financial Aid Warning)
  • FP (Financial Aid Probation)
  • No SAP status from any previous payment period

Ineligible: FD (Financial Aid Disqualification)

Drug Conviction
Note: This eligibility criterion doesn't need to be checked beginning with the 2021-2022 Award Year.

Student abides by federally mandated drug conviction requirements in order to be Title IV eligible

  • If all of the associated C-Codes have been resolved, Student Financial Planning sets Drug Conviction Eligibility to Eligible
  • If one or more of the associated C-Codes are unresolved, Student Financial Planning sets Drug Conviction Eligibility to Not Eligible
    • C-Codes
      • 053 Applicant left drug conviction question blank
      • 054 Applicant's response to drug conviction question was 2 Yes Part-Year
      • 056 Applicant's response to drug conviction was 3 Yes on the original paper FAFSA
      • 058 Applicant's response to drug conviction question was 3 Yes on transactions other than original paper FAFSA

ISIR Field 26: Drug Conviction Affecting Eligibility

Eligible Ineligible If C-Code is Unresolved C-Code
1 = No 2 = Yes, part-year 054
N/A 3 = Yes, Don't Know



N/A Blank 053

Student is currently a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen

  • If all the associated C-Codes have been resolved, Student Financial Planning sets the Citizenship Eligibility status to Eligible
  • If one or more of the associated C-Codes are unresolved, Student Financial Planning sets the Citizenship Eligibility status to Not Eligible
  • C-Codes
    • 068 It was not indicated on FAFSA that the applicant is a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen
    • 141 Applicant changed from eligible non-citizen to citizen or changed Alien Registration Number and thus,

      the applicant must submit proof of citizenship change

    • 142 Student did not provide Alien Registration Number or provided invalid Alien Registration Number
    • 144 DHS did not confirm applicant's non-citizen eligibility
    • 046 DHS did not confirm eligible non-citizen status
    • 105 DHS has not yet confirmed eligible non-citizen status
    • 109 DHS did not have enough information to confirm eligible non-citizen status
    • 146 The Social Security Administration did not confirm that the applicant is a U.S. citizen

ISIR Field 17: Student's Citizenship Status

Eligible Ineligible If C-Code is Unresolved
1 = U.S. citizen or U.S. national 3 = Neither 1 nor 2 or not eligible
2 = Eligible non-citizen Blank

Sets Title IV Eligibility Status eligible sections

Student Financial Planning updates the status of the Title IV fund source to Eligible or Not Eligible based on the result of the student's general Title IV eligibility requirement evaluation.

Configurable Attributes

There are no configurable attributes for this feature.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to view the following information.

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.