Inactive Student Step 3: Receive Your Funds

Here are details for Inactive Student Step 3: Receive Your Funds.

Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Messages

  • The Disbursement Acceptance notification is based on the FasDisbursementInformationRequest/Reply message.

  • When a student withdraws, passes away or graduates before eligible disbursements are disbursed, they may be eligible for a Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD). The message is displayed in this form: “Review/Accept Late Disbursement”. The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Disbursement Acceptance wizard. If a disbursement is flagged as a PWD, the Disbursement Acceptance message isn't displayed until all related QC Holds are Released.

  • If any PWDs require acceptance and are Pending Disbursement Acceptance, the message displays a Pending status. If PWDs require acceptance but the student or parent has completed the Disbursement Acceptance wizard (accepted, partially accepted, or denied the PWD), the message displays a Completed status. If PWDs don't require acceptance, the message displays a Not Required status. If the student doesn't have any PWDs that require acceptance, the message isn't displayed.

  • Disbursement Acceptance notifications are associated with the appropriate academic year. If multiple PWDs are created, only one message is displayed on the Home page, but the student can complete Disbursement Acceptance for each eligible disbursement on the Financial page or using the Disbursement Acceptance Wizard. Here are the related message statuses that are displayed based on the PWD Disbursement Acceptance statuses:

    Notification Status to Message Status Mapping

    Notification Status Message Status
    Disbursement Acceptance Pending Pending
    Disbursement Accepted Completed
    Disbursement Not Accepted Completed
    Disbursement Not Accepted by Due Date Completed
    Disbursement Acceptance Not Required Not Required
  • For users who have a Pending Message to "Accept/Receive PLUS Post Withdrawal Disbursements", the user is automatically validated by comparing the user's email address to the loan borrower's email address. If the automatic validation fails,the user can alternatively validate by entering the borrowers' last 4 digits of their SSN and Date of Birth. Also, the Borrower name and Application ID is displayed in the Financial tab so a user can distinguish between multiple PLUS loans.

    If there are PLUS Post Withdrawal Disbursments for a borrower, the status displays Pending until all PLUS disbursements matched to the borrower have been accepted or declined. When they have all been accepted or declined, the status displays Completed.

Note: If there are no PWD notifications, the “There are no pending actions required to receive your funding.” is displayed.