Manage Summer Term

If you need to accommodate a single student because their situation is in opposition to the baseline configuration, you can easily Manage Summer Terms manually through the user interface.


You can remove a Summer Trailer from one Academic Year and even add it as a Header to the next or vice versa. You have the ability to make updates to a single student record in order to structure the academic year to be most beneficial to the student. The Mange Summer Term pop out dialog box provides a visual representation of the academic year being modified in its current state. The available Summer Terms section lists each summer term that is available to be added to (or removed from) the selected academic year.

To move a summer term from a trailer to a header, you will complete two simple steps.

  1. First, remove the Summer Term from the Academic Year that contains the Trailer.
  2. Second, add the Summer Term as a Header on the subsequent Academic Year and the system will automatically repackage the student based on the changes.

Once the user makes their desired selection and saves, the system:

  • Repackages the student
  • Adjusts the academic year accordingly
  • Updates the student’s eligibility/disbursements (as applicable)
  • Communicates the update to COD (as applicable)

If the term isn’t part of the current Academic Year, the Enrollment Status is Not Attending. If added to the current academic year, the system updates the Enrollment Status to the appropriate value based on the institutions configuration.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Student
  • Manage Summer Term
  • Package Fund Edit

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner
    • Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging
  2. Manage Summer Term
  3. Choose to Add to Academic Year # or Remove from Academic Year #
  4. Save
  5. Confirm the Summer Term is removed
  6. Confirm the Funds are repackaged

If you have manually overridden an award/fund for a term for which you later need to remove/move, you should:

  1. Reduce the award down to $0.00 manually by Editing the Fund
  2. Remove the Term from the Academic Year using the Manage Summer Term Manual Processing Steps
  3. Add the term to the new Academic Year (if applicable)
  4. Build the fund back up in the new Academic Year manually (if applicable)

If you manually modify the configured behavior of a Summer Term, the system ignores the default configuration for that Summer Term moving forward.