Manually Match Students To ISIRs

Student Financial Aid automatically matches an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to the student record using ISIR identifiers in the ISIR Matching Criteria Combination field of the School.csv Configuration Workbook.


For ISIRs that are not matched, you may manually match ISIRs to students using the Unmatched ISIRs UI. Here are some features of the UI:

  • List of ISIR Records by Award Year

  • Student Search/Results

  • Manual ISIR Matching

  • Consolidated matching of multiple ISIR transactions

  • Aging of unmatched ISIR records

For more information, see ISIR.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Match Unmatched ISIRs
  • View Unmatched ISIRs

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Configurable Data

There is no configurable data for this feature. The logic used to present a list of possible students for the purpose of MANUALLY matching ISIRs is hard-coded.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI).

  1. Navigate to Menu Bar > Administration > FAS Management > Unmatched ISIRs.
  2. Use the Search Box to filter the displayed list of Unmatched ISIRs as needed.
  3. Click Match ISIR to view potential matches for a student. The potential matches are populated by matches between student records and ISIRs with matching First Name and one of the following: Last Name, DOB, or SSN. The logic that determines the list of students who are potential matches is delivered with the system and not is configurable.
  4. View potential matches and click Select Student for the record you determine is a match.
  5. Click Search if no record appears to be a match, and you want to use the Global Search function to search the student database.
  6. Click Yes to confirm a student match.

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