To ensure your students are being packaged based on the most current information, Student Financial Planning automatically requests and re-requests the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Financial Aid History (FAH) file and submits the student to the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) list.


Note: Please ensure your school has elected to receive NSLDS Alert information via "Web and Batch File" in your School Transfer Profile on the NSLDS website. For more information, see the U.S. Department of Education NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Guide.

Information regarding NSLDS field mapping and other information related to the NSLDS Record Types is available on the U.S. Department of Education website.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Requests the Financial Aid History (FAH) File

When an ISIR is matched to the student’s record Student Financial Planning requests a National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Financial Aid History file. There is a configured amount of time between requests to prevent duplicate requests. If a request has been sent and you attempt to request another FAH file, Student Financial Planning confirms that the configured amount of time has passed before submitting your request. If the configured time has not passed, Student Financial Planning prevents you from manually requesting the FAH file. Student Financial Planning continuously runs to monitor when the FAH file expires and automatically request a new file from NSLDS once the configured time has passed.

Once Student Financial Planning has requested the FAH, the file is generated with the proper FAH flag. The file is sent to the NSLDS transmission queue via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Process – NSLDS. When Student Financial Planning receives the FAH from NSLDS it is matched to the student record and then each FAH Detail Batch Record Type (1-5) is displayed on the associated NSLDS tab within the Student Financial Planning user interface.

SFP will stop triggering the NSLDS requests for students that have Graduated and there is an academic completion date.

For all requests of the NSLDS (TRNINFIN), Student Financial Planning provides the institution's school code in both the Header and the Detail Batch Records, per student.

Requests the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) File

Student Financial Planning automatically submits the student to the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) list once the Student Demographic Information message is received in combination with the student’s Social Security Number.

Once Student Financial Planning requests the student be added to the TSM list, the file is generated with the proper TSM flag. The file is sent to the NSLDS transmission queue via the SAIG Process – NSLDS. When the file is received from NSLDS it be matched to the student record and displayed in the NSLDS screen of the user interface.

For all requests of the NSLDS (TRNINFIN), Student Financial Planning provides the institution's school code in both the Header and the Detail Batch Records,per student.

Separate the FAH/TSM requests

Student Financial Planning uses request indicator “B” for the first NSLDS request and then uses request indicator “H” for all subsequent requests. If it is necessary to add the student the TSM more than once, an authorized user can manually add the student the TSM through the Student Financial Planning User Interface.

Request Indicator Description
B Requests the FAH file and adds the student to the TSM list
H Requests the FAH only
T Adds the student to the TSM only

Automatically Match the FAH/TSM File to the Student

Student Financial Planning uses student identifiers to match a file to a student record; primarily the student's Social Security Number (SSN).

Sometimes, the student record SSN, received via the Student Demographic Information or Student Update events, can be blank or contain a filler SSN value. One reason for this is institutional policy to not request the SSN during the admissions application process. In this example, the student record SSN won't match the SSN on the NSLDS file. When this happens, a secondary SSN match is attempted against the student ISIR SSN.

Once the SAIG Process - NSLDS is complete, SFP recognizes when an FAH/TSM file has been received from NSLDS and updates the student record, making the FAH/TSM information available for review. If no match can be made, the file is sent to an SAIG Errors queue.

If a subsequent FAH/TSM file is received from NSLDS, it replaces the existing version on the student record.

Receive Acknowledgment File, process errors, and notify user of errors

When Student Financial Planning receives the TSM/FAH Error/Acknowledgment file from NSLDS, it automatically documents the receipt of the FAH/TSM request. If the Error/Acknowledgment file received contains any errors, Student Financial Planning notifies users by creating an SAIG Error task and an authorized user can review the error.

Student Financial Planning recognizes any errors and/or warnings in the TSM/FAH Error/Acknowledgment file and routes the error through the SAIG Error Handling Process. Once the error has been corrected, Student Financial Planning automatically re-submits the file via the SAIG Process - NSLDS.

Financial Aid History Information Web Service message

Student Financial Planning sends the NSLDS FAH information out to appropriate system(s) at configured intervals, however the institution can request the information using their Web Service as desired. To request the FAH information from the Web Service, an authorized user needs to use the Student External ID Number.

Configurable Attributes

When to request an FAH file from NSLDS and/or submit a student file to the NSLDS TSM list

The institution can configure the parameters used to determine when an FAH file is required or when a student should be submitted for TSM, after the receipt of the initial ISIR.

Additional configuration may include the amount of time between requests so that Student Financial Planning does not request a new FAH/TSM file when a current request already exists. If the configured time frame has not passed, Student Financial Planning will not re-request a new FAH record from NSLDS until the configured time frame has passed. However, a user can re-request an FAH/TSM file as needed.

Navigation to the Student Financial Planning User Interface Functionality

View NSLDS Information

Navigate to Student > USDE > NSLDS

View the NSLDS Overview Tab: TSM/FAH Detail Batch Record Layout Type 2 and 3

Navigate to Student > USDE > NSLDS > Overview (tab)

  • Record Type 2: Name History Record
  • Record Type 3: Overpayment Record

View the NSLDS Aggregate Tab: TSM/FAH Detail Batch Record Layout Type 1

Navigate to Student > USDE > NSLDS > Aggregate (tab)

  • Record Type 1: Aggregates, Perkins, and Flags Record

Snapshots of Direct Stafford Loans and Grants are grouped together at the top of the screen and the remaining data fields are displayed below in a linear fashion in Alphabetical order. The NSLDS Record received from the SAIG does not contain special characters such as commas, dollar signs, decimal points, or percentage symbols. The data has been modified to include these special symbols and reformatted in an effort to make it easier to for users to read and is displayed on the Student Financial Planning User Interface.

View the NSLDS Grant Payment Tab: TSM/FAH Detail Batch Record Layout Type 4

Navigate to Student > USDE > NSLDS > Grant Payment (tab)

View the NSLDS Loan Detail Tab: TSM/FAH Detail Batch Record Layout Type 5

Navigate to Student > USDE > NSLDS > Loan Detail (tab)

Loan Type Codes Identify the Loan Type

Direct Loan Types

Code Loan Type
D0 Direct Stafford Subsidized (SULA Eligible)
D1 Direct Stafford Subsidized
D2 Direct Stafford Unsubsidized
D3 Direct Graduate PLUS
D4 Direct Parent PLUS
D5 Direct Consolidation Unsubsidized
D6 Direct Consolidation Subsidized
D7 Direct PLUS Consolidation
D8 Direct Unsubsidized TEACH Loan (converted from TEACH Grant)
D9 Direct Consolidation Subsidized (SULA Eligible)

FFELP Loan Types

Code Loan Type
CL FFELP Consolidation
RF FFELP Refinanced
SF FFELP Stafford Subsidized
SU FFELP Stafford Unsubsidized
SL Supplemental Loan