Override the PLUS Default Overpay Code

You can override the Default Overpay Code on the PLUS Application to Yes (Y), No (N) or Overridden by School (Z). The associated code is then sent to COD in the Origination Request file.


Tips for Overriding the PLUS Default Overpay Code

If a PLUS disbursement is rejected due to Reject Code 996, PLUS E Code, Not Returned from NSLDS (PLUS Application only) (E), updating the Default Overpay Code should resolve the reject. However, you must override the correct PLUS Application. The system saves all of the received PLUS Applications, but you must select the correct application to override or Student Financial Planning will continue to send COD an E value (Not returned from NSLDS) in the origination file which will result in a reject.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Student
  • Override Plus Application Default Overpay Code

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Functionality

Override Default Overpay Code
  1. Enter the student's External Student ID Number in the Search Field
    • Navigate to Student > USDE > Plus Application
  2. Choose to review the Parent PLUS Application or Grad PLUS Application
  3. Click Override Default Overpay Code
  4. Choose a New Default Overpay Code
  5. Enter Comment
  6. Save
  7. Confirm updates