Override R2T4 Data

You can override Return to Title IV (R2T4) data and re-run the R2T4 process in order to validate eligibility for Title IV funds if any input data changes the original calculation.


Changes that aren’t corrections are allowed only if the change can be made in time for the institution to meet the R2T4 Funds deadline (for example, 45 days).

What is a Correction?

A change is not a correction if the calculation was correct at the time it was processed.

For example, a school that used the midpoint as the withdrawal date may want to go back and revise an already processed R2T4 calculation to use the last date of attendance at an academically related activity past the midpoint. This change is not a correction because the use of the midpoint was not a mistake in contrast to the mistake of using the wrong amount of a Pell Grant disbursement. Similarly, the signing of a promissory note after a calculation is processed is not a correction because failing to sign a promissory note is not a mistake.

Fields that can be Overridden

  • Date of Determination (any step)
  • Disbursed/Could Have Been Disbursed Eligibility (Step 1)
  • Could Have Been Disbursed Criteria (Step 1)
  • Withdrawal Date (OLDA) (Step 2)
  • Payment Period Start Date (Step 2)
  • Payment Period End Date (Step 2)
  • Completed Break Days up to the OLDA (Step 2)
  • Calendar Break Days in the Payment Period (Step 2)
  • Institutional Charges (update existing charges or add new line items) (Step 5)

When the calculation is re-run, Student Financial Planning uses the latest data inputs from the time the calculation was initially completed (i.e. SAFI data and disbursement amounts/statuses). You can override those data inputs, but re-running the R2T4 does not result in any repackaging.

Student Financial Planning automatically updates the R2T4 calculation results once the re-run calculation is complete. After the R2T4 is re-run, Student Financial Planning triggers any resulting processes and determines if any additional refunds are required, if any Title IV funds need to be brought back, if a PWD is still required or needs to be updated, if a Grant Overpayment still exists or needs to be updated and if any previous unreleased QC Holds need to be re-triggered.

You can only re-run the R2T4 off the Last Completed Enrollment calculation, you cannot re-run an R2T4 off of Prior Calculation.

If you attempt to manually re-run the R2T4 more than 45 days past the Date of Determination (DOD) of the student's initial withdrawal, Student Financial Planning displays the following prompt, "The current system date is now (for example, 47) days past the DOD of the student's initial withdrawal, please select to continue or cancel."

Multiple Overrides

If you need to make any additional manual overrides, you can use the Hide an R2T4, Create R2T4 or Replace an R2T4 features to complete multiple overrides

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Compares the results of the manually re-run calculation against the most recent (previous) calculation

Updates Triggered due to Re-Run Results:


When a previous calculation resulted in a refund and the new R2T4 also results in a refund, Student Financial Planning does the following:

  • Persists any prior returned disbursements in their current status. If any returns are yet to be drawn down, Student Financial Planning keeps the existing return in the pending G5 drawdown for the day.
  • If the prior calculation and the new calculation are equal, no update is required.
  • If the prior calculation did not result in a Refund, but the new calculation does, Student Financial Planning triggers the Refund process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a Refund that is less than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning subtracts the prior refund from the total of the new refund to determine the remaining refund and sends a new Return to Lender message. To decrease previous disbursements, Student Financial Planning using Decreasing Disbursement logic and processes the return through the Reduction of Funds process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a Refund that is greater than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning subtracts the new refund from the total of the previous refund to determine the additional amount the student is eligible for and triggers an increase to the disbursements, up to the appropriate amount using Increasing Disbursement logic.
  • All resulting COD communications are triggered after the disbursements are updated and accepted responses are received, then Student Financial Planning sets the appropriate G5 status for the new drawdown amount.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD)

Once the R2T4 Re-Run is complete, Student Financial Planning completes the following actions:

  • If the prior calculation and the new calculation are equal, no update is required.
  • If the prior calculation did not result in a PWD, but the new calculation does, Student Financial Planning triggers the PWD process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a PWD that is less than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning re-triggers the PWD process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a PWD that is greater than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning re-triggers the PWD process.

Grant Overpayment

Once the R2T4 Re-Run is complete, Student Financial Planning determines if the student has a grant overpayment.

  • If the prior calculation and the new calculation are equal, no update is required.
  • If the prior calculation did not result in a Grant Overpayment, but the new calculation does, Student Financial Planning triggers the Grant Overpayment process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a Grant Overpayment that is less than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning re-triggers the Grant Overpayment process.
  • If the prior calculation resulted in a Grant Overpayment that is greater than the new calculation, Student Financial Planning re-triggers the Grant Overpayment process.

Creates a Student History Entry

Student Financial Planning creates the following Student History Entry after re-running an R2T4 calculation R2T4 calculation has been re-run for the student.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Student
  • R2T4 Override Edit

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
    • Navigate to Student Record > Financial Information > R2T4 Information.
  2. Override R2T4 Data.
  3. Add a comment.
  4. Click Comments to expand collapse the comment box (comment box displays for each step when expanded).
  5. Update the DOD (if applicable).
  6. Click Step 2.
  7. Update the Withdrawal Date (OLDA) (if applicable).
  8. Update the Payment Period Start Date (if applicable).
  9. Update the Completed Break Days up to OLDA (if applicable).
  10. Update the Payment Period End Date (if applicable).
  11. Update the Calendar Break Days in PP (if applicable).
  12. Click Step 5.
  13. Override R2T4 Charges Information.
  14. Update an existing Amount (if applicable).
  15. Update an existing R2T4 Indicator (if applicable).
  16. Add a New Charge Type (if applicable).
  17. Enter New Line Item details.
    1. Choose the Charge Type.
    2. Enter a Description.
    3. Choose the Status.
    4. Pick a Date.
    5. Enter the Amount.
    6. Enter the Open Amount.
    7. Set the R2T4 Indicator.
    8. Remove any line item manually entered it in error.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Review changes.
    Note: A warning is returned in the UI.

    You can proceed or go back to make check changes or make additional changes.

  20. Click Finish when the updates are complete and accurate.
  21. Click Cancel or Back if you need to make additional updates.
  22. Refresh the screen to confirm updates.
  23. Manual Overrides on the R2T4 calculation are indicated by person icon. Hover over the icon to see additional details.

Student Financial Planning automatically updates the R2T4 calculation results once the re-run calculation is complete. After the R2T4 is re-run, Student Financial Planning triggers any resulting processes and determines if any additional refunds are required, if any Title IV funds need to be brought back, if a PWD is still required or needs to be updated, if a Grant Overpayment still exists or needs to be updated and if any previous unreleased QC Holds need to be re-triggered.

If you need to make any additional manual overrides, you can use the Hide an R2T4, Create R2T4 or Replace an R2T4 features to complete multiple overrides