Packaging Holds

Packaging Holds are put in place for various reasons, including:

  • Funds in transit to COD.
  • Enrollment Review Tasks.
  • Prior enrollment has an R2T4 pending.
  • Student Record Hold exists.

In the Packaging page, you can see if Packaging holds exist for a student and access details and resolution instructions.

When the Resolve Hold button is clicked a popup window appears displaying why the package is on hold, with detailed information that relates to the hold, as well as instructions on what steps a user can take (if any) to resolve the hold. The user will also be able to see any packaging triggers that have been queued while the package was on hold. Once the hold is removed, the queued triggers will package in the order they were received.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

  • Displays a Resolve Hold button on the Packaging Page.

    Students with Packaging Holds have the following displayed on their Packaging page:

    • An (On Hold) indicator displayed next to Current Package.
    • A Resolve Hold button displayed on their Packaging page.

    When you click Resolve Hold, a pop up window displays details, including why the Package is on hold, instructions to resolve the hold, and the Pending Package Triggers.

    These are the Packaging Holds and resolutions:

    Hold Reason Message Process
    COD Hold The student's package has been placed on hold due a disbursement currently being processed with COD. If the disbursement has a had a status of "Origination Sent to COD" or "Disbursement Sent to COD" for longer than 1 business day, please verify the status on COD. If needed, the disbursement status can be manually updated via the Disbursement Administration UI. The user verifies the status of the disbursement and sequence in a "Sent to COD" status on the COD website if the hold has been present for more than 1 business day. If the SFP disbursement status is different than the disbursement status on the COD website, update the SFP disbursement status to match COD.
    Enrollment Review "The student's package has been placed on hold due to student changing programs and having a pending enrollment review task. Please complete this task on the Evaluate Student Change of Program UI. Once the task has been completed, the student will be automatically repackaged." The user must navigate to the Enrollment Review task queue, and complete the task for the student.
    Pending R2T4 "The student's package has been placed on hold due a pending Return to Title IV calculation in the prior enrollment. Please complete the Return to Title IV calculation, including releasing any resulting Quality Control holds. Once the Return to Title IV calculation has been completed, the student will be automatically packaged for the new enrollment." The user must review prior enrollments and release any R2T4 QC holds.
    Student Record Hold "The student is currently on a student record hold and the package will not be processed unless it is required for a Return to Title IV calculation. If the student should not be on a student record hold, please remove the hold on the Student Record Hold UI. Once the student record hold is released, the student will be automatically repackaged." The user should review the Student Record Hold and release the hold it’s no longer needed.
  • Resolves Holds

    If holds are due to actions that are in process, for example, funds in transit to COD, the holds are released when the actions are complete.

  • Processes Queued Triggers

    Once a Packaging hold is removed, any queued triggers package in the order they were received.

Configurable Attributes

This feature does not have any configurable features.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • At Will Repackage

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

  1. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging
  2. Click Resolve Hold, if displayed.
  3. Follow instructions in the pop-up window.