Review and Update Configuration Workbooks

You must review and update your configuration for ISIR processing for every new award year.

Review and update the following Configuration Workbooks for ISIR Processing for each new Award Year. Workbooks related to Student Financial Planning (SFP) only are noted:
  • %_DOCUMENTS.csv - Add Award Year-specific documents.

  • %_DOCMETADATA.csv - Add Award Year-specific document meta data.

  • %_ISIR_C_CODES.csv - Add Code_numbers. Update Documents_Required, Auto_Code_Clearing_Logic, and Additional_Notification_Message columns for each code.


  • %_ISIR_DISCREP.csv

  • %_ISIR_ASSUMPT.csv


  • %_ISIR_MGMT.csv

  • %_PJ.csv


  • %_ISIR_VERIFICATION_CODES.csv - Add ISIR Verification Code_numbers and Verification_Tracking_Groups;. Update Documents_Required, Auto_Code_Clearing_Logic, and Additional_Notification_Message columns for each code -



  • %_FAS_FUND_CONFIG.csv(SFP only)

  • %_NFR_ATTRIB.csv (SFP only)

  • %_COA.csv (SFP only)

  • %_T4_CRIT.csv (SFP only)

  • %_REGULATORY_DEADLINE.csv - Update FAFSA, ISIR Correction, and ISIR Verification dates.

Oracle's delivered Baseline Configuration updates can be used as a guide for the necessary Award Year configuration changes. Once all required Configuration Workbooks are updated for the new Award Year, upload them using the FAS UI > Administration > System Management > Configuration Administration page. See full details at Configuration Administration.