Termination Management

Termination management is the process of determining the next steps in the Financial Aid Process when a student terminates their enrollment within a term or program.


Title IV funds are evaluated and awarded to a student under the assumption that the student attends school for the entire period for which the assistance is evaluated/awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds the student was originally scheduled to receive. If a recipient of Title IV grant or Title IV loan withdraws after beginning attendance, the amount of federal aid earned by the student must be determined.

A student is considered to have withdrawn from a term or payment period or period of enrollment if

Non-Term or Non-Standard Term

The student is not scheduled to begin another course within a payment period or period of enrollment for more than 45 calendar days after the end of the module the student ceased attending, unless the student is on an approved leave of absence

Credit Hour Program

The student does not complete all the days in the term or payment period or period of enrollment that the student was scheduled to complete

Clock Hour Program

The student does not complete all of the clock hours and weeks of instructional time in the payment period or period of enrollment that the student was scheduled to complete.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Completes any required financial aid processing when a student becomes inactive

When the student's enrollment status becomes inactive for their program, Student Financial Planning terminates the Financial Aid Process and initiates any student/parent Exit Processing required for any graduated or deceased student. All collected documentation (including any new or updated integration messages received from the Student Information System (SIS) and external SAIG files are saved to the student record. Future integration messages or external SAIG files are automatically matched to the student record.

Begins exit processing when an active student withdraws from their program

Student Financial Planning recognizes when a student withdraws and received an ISIR prior to their Last Date of Attendance (LDA) and therefore, needs to proceed through financial aid exit processing. Student Financial Planning processes updates to the enrollment status based on the Student Academic and Financial Information (SAFI) message. If a student was previously in an active enrollment status, Student Financial Planning automatically begins the R2T4 process.

If the ISIR is not Valid or is in an Unverified status, the valid ISIR process must be completed first. Once the ISIR status is Valid, any necessary repackaging is completed and the student then proceeds through exit processing.

When a student’s enrollment status becomes Inactive, the student’s record, related history, received files and documents remain available in case the student returns and/or for future reference.

All collected documentation, integration messages, and external files received through the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) are saved to the student record

Any additional files received through the SAIG after the student becomes inactive (e.g. ISIR, MPN, Entrance Counseling, etc.) will continue to be matched to the student record

Processes enrollment status updates

Student Enrollment Status Updated to Withdrawn

If the student's program enrollment status is updated to:

  • Withdrawn (W), Student Financial Planning initiates the exit counseling process
    • If the prior enrollment status was not an Active status or the student did not start attending, the student will not be eligible for an R2T4 and no further processing is required
    • If the previous enrollment status was an Active status, Student Financial Planning determines if the student received an ISIR prior to the Official Last Date of Attendance (OLDA) that is not in a status of Valid or Unverified
      • If student has an ISIR received before their OLDA in a pending status, the Valid ISIR process must be completed
      • Once the Valid ISIR process is completed and the ISIR status is Valid/Unverified, any necessary repackaging is triggered followed by the R2T4 process
      • If the student has not received an ISIR, the Student Financial Planning triggers the R2T4 process
      • Once this process is complete, no further FA processing is required

Student Enrollment Status No Longer Active

If the student's program enrollment status is updated to:

  • Cancel (C), no further Financial Aid processing is required on the student record
  • Deceased (D), Student Financial Planning initiates the Deceased Students process
  • Graduated (G), Student Financial Planning initiates the Exit Counseling process

Enrollment Statuses Recognized by SFP

Enrollment Statuses (Student)

Status Code Description
Admitted/Not Started AM The student has not yet started any coursework but has been admitted to the institution.
Full-time F Student is enrolled full-time and is actively attending class.
Half-time or more, but less than full-time H

Student is enrolled at least half-time, but less than full-time.

Less than half-time L

Student is enrolled less than half-time.

Approved Leave of Absence A Student is currently enrolled at this institution but is on an approved leave of absence.
Never Attended X

Individual on whose behalf a loan was certified or awarded, who was admitted, may have enrolled (registered), but never attended classes at this institution.

(Institution does have a record of the individual.)

Cancel C Student has canceled their prospective enrollment.
Graduated G Student has completed the course of study and is not currently admitted to, nor enrolled in, a different course of study at this institution.
Deceased D Student is deceased.
Withdrawn (voluntary or involuntary) W Student has officially withdrawn from all courses at this institution, stopped attending all classes at this institution but did not officially withdraw, or for any reason did not re-enroll at this institution for the next regular (non-summer) term without completing the course of study.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management to view the following information.
  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Planning User Interface Functionality

To view the enrollment status

Student Financial Planning User Interface > Student > Student Record > Program Information

You can also view the enrollment status in the student header, which is visible on every screen in the Student Financial Planning user interface if you click the student's name.