Trigger R2T4 Calculation

Student Financial Planning allows you to Trigger R2T4 Calculation at-will when the R2T4 Process Status is Paused or Scheduled.


The Trigger R2T4 Calculation button initiates the calculation when a student has an R2T4 record that is scheduled (i.e. Pending Configured Delay) or in a pending state (i.e. Pending Packaging Process, Pending R2T4 SAFI). After you click the Trigger R2T4 Calculation verify you want to trigger the calculation. Once triggered, the R2T4 calculation is completed and displayed in the UI as the current calculation and downstream processing is initiated.

R2T4 Process Statuses

Status Description
Not Required The R2T4 calculation is not required.
Not Started The R2T4 calculation has not started.
Scheduled The R2T4 calculation has been scheduled.
Paused The R2T4 calculation has been paused.
Held for QC Review The R2T4 calculation is on hold due to a QC Hold.
Canceled The R2T4 calculation has been canceled.
Completed The R2T4 calculation has been completed.

R2T4 Process Pending Reasons

Reason Description
Pending Configured Delay

The school can configure the R2T4 to trigger immediately or after a specific number of days based on the type of withdrawal. For example, if a student has a withdrawal type of Official Withdrawal, and the configured delay is 0 days, the R2T4 calculation may be triggered once the enrollment status is received. However, if a student has a withdrawal type of Unofficial Withdrawal, and R2T4 calculation has a configured delay of 14 days the R2T4 calculation will be triggered on the 15th day from the student's Date of Determination (DOD).

Withdrawal Types ((also refer to the Status Definitions chapter: Enrollment Statuses (Sub Types)).

  • Official Withdrawal.
  • Unofficial Withdrawal.
  • Administrative Withdrawal.
  • Deceased.
Note: The default trigger time frame for all withdrawal types will be 0 days if no configuration is defined.

Any changes that effect the trigger time frame that are received before the R2T4 calculation is triggered, do not change the scheduled calculation. For example, if the student's DOD is changed within the time period that an R2T4 calculation is scheduled, the calculation will still be triggered on the day it was originally intended.

Pending R2T4 SAFI The R2T4 calculation is ready to be calculated and Student Financial Planning has requested an R2T4 SAFI (i.e. the ReturnToTitleIvSafiIndicator is true). Student Financial Planning will wait until the new SAFI is received, and will allow any repackaging prior to doing the R2T4 calculation.
Pending Valid ISIR Process If the status of an active award year ISIR (associated to the term or payment period) is Pending, Student Financial Planning will wait for the open Valid ISIR process to be completed before triggering the R2T4.
Pending Packaging Process If the Academic Year Packaging status for the term or payment period being assessed is Pending Repackage, Student Financial Planning waits until the packaging or repackaging process is completed before doing the R2T4 .
Pending Ledger Date Reconciliation If the Ledger Posting Date in the Student Resource Element of the latest SAFI does not equal the disbursement date for the matching payment ID or have all the payment IDs, Student Financial Planning waits until a new SAFI is received and completes the reconciliation prior to doing the R2T4.
Pending Change of Program Task Queue The R2T4 calculation is pending the completion of an Evaluate Student Change of Program task. Student Financial Planning waits because if the student remains in the same term or payment period the R2T4 calculation will be canceled.
Pending Override Completion If there is an R2T4 override that is still processing, the calculation will wait for it to be completed before doing the R2T4 calculation.
Note: Student Financial Planning triggers the R2T4 calculation 30 days from the Date of Determination, to ensure that the calculation is run within the required time frame set by the Department of Education (i.e. 45 days to process return of funds to the Department of Education and 30 days to request authorization to make a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title IV loan funds). Student Financial Planning does consider the current state of the active ISIR, package and disbursements at this time. If the active ISIR(s) for the associated award years of the term or payment period being assessed for R2T4 are not in a status of Valid or Unverified, the system triggers a cancellation of all future disbursements that rely upon the active ISIR(s). The R2T4 calculation persists based on the current state of anticipated disbursements that have been canceled (and/or have a cancellation reason set).

The Trigger R2T4 Calculation button is not displayed if the R2T4 Process Status is Not Started, Not Required, Held for QC Review, Completed, or Canceled. When the R2T4 Process status is in one of these states you will be able to Create R2T4, Hide an R2T4, or Replace an R2T4.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Create R2T4

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the FAS User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
    1. Navigate to Student Record > Financial Information > R2T4 Information.
  2. Click Trigger R2T4 Calculation (to initiate process).
  3. Enter a comment.
    1. Click Trigger R2T4 Calculation (to complete process).
  4. Verify you want to Trigger R2T4 Calculation.
  5. Confirm Process is complete and refresh UI.
  6. Review each step of the R2T4 Calculation.