You can manage integration with the U.S. Department of Education (USDE or ED).


Student Financial Aid (SFA) manages data exchange with ED using your Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. Processes and data processed by Student Financial Planning (SFP) only are noted.

Student Aid Eligibity (SAE) manages Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) as they are received and completes the Valid ISIR Process with ED's Central Processing System (CPS).

In addition to the SAE features, SFP integrates with ED's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system to import and export Common Record files. Student files such as the Master Promissory Note (MPN), Entrance Counseling, PLUS Application, and Origination/Disbursement response and request records are automatically imported and exported. SFP also automatically requests and re-requests the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Financial Aid History (FAH) file and submits the student to the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) list, based on configuration.

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

SFA automatically does the following things:

Creates Student Notifications

SFA creates a Student Notification when a student requires:
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Master Promissory Note (MPN) (SFP only).
  • Entrance Counseling (SFP only).
  • PLUS Application/Credit Decision (SFP only).
  • Credit Decision Override (SFP only).
  • TEACH Grant Counseling Acknowledgement (SFP only).
  • Agreement to Serve (ATS) Note Acknowledgement (SFP only).
  • Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (SFP only).

These notifications inform students what student or borrower information is required to apply for and receive Federal student aid. Student notifications are sent when student or borrower information is required and again when it is received. When required responses are received, the Student Notification status is updated from Open to Closed. You can review Student Notifications to see what is required, when it was requested, and when it is received.

Records a Student History Entry

When borrower information is required, received, or no longer required, SFA logs an entry in Student History.

  • Example Student History Entry for SFA (SAE or SFP):

    • Student History Category: Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

    • Triggering Entry Action: SFA has identified that a FAFSA required for a student.

    • Default Text Entry: A FAFSA is required to be completed for the student.

    • Entry Details:

      • Notification Instance ID.
      • Message ID.
      • Notification Status.
      • Notification Type.
      • Outbound message sent to the student, if configured.
  • Example Student History Entry for SFP only:

    • Student History Category: Master Promissory Note (MPN)

    • Triggering Entry Action: SFA identified that a Subsidized/Unsubsidized MPN is required for a student

    • Default Text Entry: A Subsidized/Unsubsidized MPN is required to be completed for the student.

    • Entry Details:

      • Notification Instance ID
      • Message ID
      • Notification Status
      • Notification Type
      • Outbound message sent to the student (if configured)

Receives SAIG File Types

When a student or borrower completes documentation required by ED, a response file is generated. When a response file is generated with a designation to be routed to the SAIG Mailbox that SFA has access to, SFA imports the file from the destination point mailbox on configured intervals. SFA recognizes and accepts each response file, matches it to a student record, removes any associated flags, and updates the student record.

The following files are imported into SFA:

CPS Files

CORRXXIN Outbound ISIR Corrections
IDAPXXOP Inbound Daily Electronic Application ISIRs
IGCOXXOP Inbound CPS Daily ISIRs – ISIRs generated by institutional corrections
IGSGXXOP Inbound CPS Pushed ISIRs – System-Generated
COREXXOP Inbound ISIR Errors - Electronic Correction Errors

ISIR Errors - Electronic Application Errors (not a valid inbound file - do not support associated outbound file)

  • Related outbound file is FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (EAPSXXIN), which is currently not supported

ISIR Errors - Signature Record Errors (not a valid inbound file - do not support associated outbound file)

  • Related outbound file is Signature Record Export Record Layout (SIGSXXIN), which is currently not supported

NSLDS Files (SFP only)

File Name Direction Description
TRNINFIN Outbound TSM/FAH Batch Inform File
TRNINFOP Inbound TSM/FAH Error/Acknowledgment File
FAHEXTOP Inbound Financial Aid History File
TRALRTOP Inbound TSM Alert File
EXTC05 Inbound Scheduled Completion Report File (NSLDS/Direct Loans)
EXTDP1 Inbound Scheduled Completion Report File (TEACH)

COD Files (SFP only)

COMRECIN Outbound Common Record for Pell and Teach awards
CRDLXXIN Outbound Export Common Record for Direct Loans
CRPNXXOP Inbound Master Promissory Note Response
CRECMYOP Inbound Entrance Counseling Response
CRSPXXOP Inbound PLUS Application Acknowledgement
CRCOXXOP Inbound Credit Decision Override
CRCSXXOP Inbound Credit Status Response
PGLEXXOP Inbound Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used 20XX-20XX Report (CommanDelimited)
PGMRXXOP Inbound Pell Multiple Reporting Record (Fixed-length, Flat File Format)
PGVRXXOP Inbound Pell Grant Verification Status Report (Comma, Delimited)
CRACXXOP Inbound TEACH Grant Counseling Acknowledgement
CRATXXOP Inbound ATS Note Acknowledgement
COMRECOP Inbound Common Record for Pell and Teach awards
CRDLMYOP Inbound Common Record for Direct Loans
PGRCXXOP Inbound Pell Reconciliation Report
DSDFXXOP Inbound Direct Loan School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Disbursement Level Loan Detail)
DSRFXXOP Inbound Direct Loan School Account Statement Disbursement Detail On-Demand (Date Range, Fixed Length)
THSMXXYYOP Inbound TEACH Grant School Account Statement (Monthly)
PGASXXOP Inbound Pell Grant Electronic Statement of Account (ESOA), YTD
CRIBXXOP Inbound Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (Informed Borrower)

When ED makes changes to any of the record file layouts, Oracle updates SFA to support the new file layout.

Exports the Common Record File to COD (SFP Only)

When an origination or disbursement file is triggered in SFP, a Common Record file is generated for the student. SFP includes all required data fields specified in the Common Record layout based on the fund that is being originated or disbursed. Once the Common Record file is generated for a student, SFP exports the file to COD via the SAIG mailbox so that it can be validated by COD.

Receives Origination and Disbursement Response Codes from COD (SFP only)

SFP saves the Common Record response files and displays the origination/disbursement details including the status of Accepted or Rejected.

Import the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Message (SFP only)

When a Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used Report (PGLE) message class for a Pell LEU report file is generated by COD with a designation to be routed to an SAIG Mailbox that SFP has access to, SFP recognizes and accepts the PGLE message to retrieve LEU data for a student record.

Configurable Attributes

Configure when Borrower Information is required

The institution can configure when information for FAFSA, ISIR, and, for SFP only, NSLDS FAH, MPN, Subsidized/Unsubsidized Entrance Counseling, PLUS Entrance Counseling, PLUS Application/Credit Decision, TEACH Grant Counseling Acknowledgement, Agreement To Serve (ATS) Acknowledgement, and Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement (Informed Borrower) is required.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with these General Permissions through Roles Management in order to view ED information:

  • Student
  • XML Viewer (to view the Common Record XML file)

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Aid User Interface Functionality

To view ED information:

Student Financial Aid User Interface > Student > USDE