
You can setup the system using UIs and Configuration Workbooks.

Here are the ways you can set up Student Financial Aid:
  • UI: There are system setup pages in both the Administrative and the Student Self Service UIs.
    • The Administrative UI is sometimes also referenced as the Financial Aid System (FAS) or FAS UI.
    • The Student Self Service UI is sometimes also referenced as the Self Service Portal. Users with a Self Service User Admin role permission can access the Settings menu in Student Self Service UI.

    For more information, see UI Configuration.

  • Configuration Workbooks: Oracle delivers a Baseline Configuration of these comma-separarated value (CSV) files with every release. Each file represents setup values for pre-defined areas. Some of the files use embedded Groovy scripts for more complex instructions. You can modify these CSV files to meet your school's requirements and then upload them using the FAS UI.

    For more information see Configuration Workbooks.