Load An ISIR

An authorized user can Manually Load an ISIR through the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI).


Loading ISIRs manually is primarily used for testing purposes. To view an ISIR that is manually uploaded, you need to load the student initiation event message (also known as the Student Demographic Information (SDI) message. The SDI message should be loaded prior to loading the ISIR file(s).

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration
  • System Management

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Make sure that a student record exists prior to loading ISIR files. You can check to see if a student record exists by entering the student's External Student ID Number in the Search field in the upper right-hand corner of the Student Financial Aid Menu Bar.

Note: When loading an ISIR file larger than 1024KB, use the Vocado U.S. Dept of Ed Gateway (VUG) application. See Vocado US Department of Education Gateway.

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Menu Bar > Administration > System Management > Load ISIRs
  2. Click Choose File.
    • Select ISIR files to load.
    • Maximum upload file size: 1MB.
    Note: The ISIR file can contain one or multiple records.
  3. Confirm file is selected.
  4. Click Send.

    Confirm the correct number of "Records Parsed".

  5. Confirm ISIRs loaded successfully:
    • Navigate to Student > USDE > ISIR
    • Repeat for each student
Note: The Message Class must be enabled for automatic or manual ISIR loading. For more information, see DOE File Management.