Search for Student Record

You can search for a student record using the Quick Search field in the main navigation bar or by clicking the magnifying glass in the Menu Bar to perform an Advanced Search.


Student Financial Aid (SFA) returns results for exact or partial matches. However, if you search based on a partial search, you must use the wildcard operator in your search appropriately. Below are important notes about searching for the student record.

Search Student (Main Navigation Bar)

  1. A spinner icon replaces the magnifying glass while SFA is searching for student results.
  2. Use the Enter/Return key after entering the searchable data (for example, External Student ID) in the Search Field on the Main Navigation screen.
  3. If the user attempts a partial search without using the * wildcard operator, the UI will return a "No student's Found" message.
  4. If you are attempting to search for a student record using partial information, you must use the * where the information will not match.
    1. Example 1: Student Name Johnny, Partial search = John*
    2. Example 2: Student Name Elisabeth, Partial search = *beth

Advanced Search (Pop-out Dialog Box)

  1. The pop-out dialog box has a quick search field. This field works the same as the search field in the main navigation found in the menu bar.
  2. Use the Search Button or click "Enter/Return" to initiate the search for entered data.
  3. The application returns "No student's Found" if you don't use the * wildcard operator appropriately on any of the advanced search data fields.
Note: SFA uses an OR clause on the main navigation page. Therefore, if you type a full name without a prefix or a wildcard, for example, "John Smith", the application returns results for John OR Smith in either the first or last name. However, if you enter firstname:John lastname:Smith the application returns results that match first name John AND last name Smith. Using either method on the main navigation page may return results that exceed the number of visible matches. This may prevent you from accessing the student record that you looking for. In that case, you should use the Advanced Search option. The advanced search pop-out dialog box enables you to enter multiple data fields such as First Name, Last Name, SSN, External Student ID, and DOB. The advanced search fields use an AND clause and search only for students that match the entered data. You may also use the wildcard operator while using the advanced search option.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Main Navigation Search

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. In the Search field, enter any of the following into the search field using exact and partial searches without adding a prefix:
    1. External Student ID.
    2. First Name.
    3. Last Name.
    4. Social Security Number.
    • You must use the Enter/Return key on your keyboard to initiate the student search.
    • When SFA is searching, a Spinner icon replaces the magnifying glass.
  2. In the search field, enter an exact or partial search, but, this time, add a prefix .

    Optimized Search

    When you enter data without a prefix in the search field, SFA attempts to match on the External Student ID, First Name, Last Name and/or Social Security Number. To increase the efficiency of your search, use one of the prefixes:
    • id:
    • firstname:
    • lastname:
    • ssn:

    Do NOT enter a space after the colon. When you put a space after the colon search results may vary. For example, if you enter firstname: john* SFA returns results for first and last names.

Advanced Search

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI)

  1. Click the Magnifying glass
  2. Use the data fields to search based on Exact Match
  3. Search based on Partial Match