Student Summary

The Student Summary screen provides a snapshot view of current student information.


Key student record and financial information is grouped into relevant sections which displays their current values and allows a user to link directly to the source screen for additional details.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to view the Student Summary screen.

  • Student Summary
  • V3 UI

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Student Summary Snapshot - Left Side Bar

The left side bar is expanded when the screen is loaded. Clicking the upward facing double carrot will collapse the left side bar. Clicking the downward facing double carrot will expand the left side bar. Each section provides a snapshot of the source screen. Hover over the segment title and click the link to the navigate to the source screen.

Student Record Hold

If the student is on a student record hold, the following is displayed:

  • Type of Hold
  • Date and Time student was put on hold
  • Indicator:
    • Green - If student is not on a Student Record Hold
    • Red - If student is on a Student Record Hold

LOA and Breaks (SFP only.)

Details for the Next scheduled break are displayed:

  • Start Date of Break
  • Total Days on Break
  • End Date of Break
  • Indicator:
    • Green - If scheduled LOA is in the future or in the past
    • Red - If student is currently on an LOA

SAP Status (SFP only.)

If SAP has been evaluated, the following is displayed:

  • SAP Status
  • SAP evaluation Date
  • Academic Year associated with the SAP Evaluation
  • Payment Period associated with the SAP evaluation
  • Indicator:
    • Green - If SAP Status is RG - Regular
    • Yellow - If SAP Status is NULL
    • Yellow - If SAP Status is FW - Financial Aid Warning
    • Red - If SAP Status is FP - Financial Aid Probation
    • Red - If SAP Status is FD - Financial Aid Disqualification


When an ISIR has been received, the following is displayed:

  • Award Year
  • FPS/CPS Transaction Number
  • Status
  • Original Name ID
  • Received Date
  • Primary SAI/EFC Amount
  • Indicator:
    • Green - If an ISIR has been received, regardless of status
    • Red - if NULL

Student Summary Snapshot - Right Side Bar

The right side bar is collapsed when the screen is loaded. Pending Actions and Activities are displayed in sets of 5. If there are more than 5 Pending Actions or Activities, use the arrow buttons to navigate through the pages. Clicking the downward facing double carrot will expand all Pending Actions and Activities. Clicking the upward facing double carrot will collapse all Pending Actions and Activities. You can also expand and collapse each segment individually by clicking on the title bar of the segment.

Pending Actions

Hover over the segment title and click the link to navigate to the source screen.

The number of pending actions is displayed in a bubble in the header of the segment to the right of the source link.

Doc Requests

Link to source page: Pending Documents

Information displayed:

  • Document Name
  • Owner
  • Award Year
  • Date Requested
  • Number of Days elapsed since opened


Link to source page: View Student Tasks (pop-out dialog box)

Information displayed:

  • Task Queue
  • Owner
  • Status
  • Date Created

The system loops through all the different types of task queues and finds all tasks that are not in Completed status (i.e. Assigned, Unassigned and In Progress) and displays them in no particular order.


Link to source page: Student Notifications

Information displayed:

  • Notification Type
  • Date Notification was sent

QC Holds (SFP only.)

Link to source page: QC Holds

Information displayed:

  • QC Hold Name
  • FAS Process
  • Hold Date

Fund Acceptance (SFP only.)

Link to source page: Packaging

Information displayed:

  • Pending update



Link to source page:

Information displayed: Student Letters

  • Pending update


Link to source page: Comments

Student History

Link to source page: Student History

Information displayed:

  • Category
  • Description
  • Date

Common Record Information (SFP only.)

Link to source page: Common Record Information

Information displayed:

  • Inbound/Outbound Message Type
  • Effective Date
  • Created Date

MPN Information (SFP only.)

Link to source page: MPN Information

Information displayed:

  • Award Year Inbound MPN Response
  • Effective Date
  • Created Date

Entrance Counseling (SFP only.)

Link to source page: Entrance Counseling

Information displayed:

  • Award Year Inbound Entrance Counseling
  • Effective Date
  • Created Date

Student Summary Snapshot - Middle Section

This entire section is SFP only.

Package Summary

Link to source page: Packaging

Information displayed:

  • Cost of Attendance
  • Fund in Package
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Living and Other Expenses
  • Covered Tuition and Fees and Expenses
  • Remaining Living and Other Expenses

Credit Balances

Link to source page: Credit Balances

Information displayed:

  • Credit Balance Amount
  • Recipient
  • Status
  • Triggering Action
  • Create Date
  • Effective Date

Disbursement Summary

Link to source page: Disbursing

Information displayed:

  • Fund Type
  • Amount
  • Date
  • Status
  • Academic Year (AY)
  • Disbursement Number (D)
  • Sequence Number (S)
  • Payment Period Number (P)

Fund Eligibility

Displays information associated with the Fund Eligibility Screen.

  • Number of criteria found on Fund Eligibility screen equal to Not Met
  • Indicator:
    • Green - All criteria = Met
    • Yellow - Not all criteria = Met, but Disbursement Date is in the future
    • Red - Not all criteria = Met, but Disbursement Date is in the past

Navigation to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) User Interface Functionality

To View the Student Summary SFA User Interface > Student > Student Summary

The Student Summary is the default screen when you log into the SFA User Interface (UI)