Message Processing Gateway

Messages and files from the institution and student are sent to the Message Processing Gateway (MPG) application.

Outbound event messages are pulled from the MPG in first in first out (FIFO) sequence. Once a message is pulled from the MPG, it disappears from the outbound queue.

Messages and files from the institution and/or student must be saved with an .xml extension, as they contain xml payloads.

Post a File to the MPG

This is an example using Mac OS X's built-in curl functionality. Any other web service integration tool you are comfortable with may be leveraged (for example Postman), as long as the username, password, file, and web service endpoint is maintained.

Example Command

curl -kv -X POST -u 'user:password' --key fasapi -H 'Vocado-Message-Class: FasStudentInitiationEvent' -H "Content-Type: application/vocado-message+xml" --data-binary "@/Users/Username/Desktop/student/FasStudentInitiationEvent.xml" -H'Vocado-Message-Id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'

Pull a File from the MPG

This is an example using Mac OS X's built-in curl functionality. Any other web service integration tool you are comfortable with may be leveraged (for example Postman), as long as the username, password, file, and web service endpoint is maintained.

Example Command to Pull a message based on it’s Message ID

curl -k -X POST -u user:password

Example Command to Pull a message based on First-In-First-Out

curl -X POST -u user:password -H 'Accept: application/vocado-message+xml' -H 'Vocado-Pull-Id:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'

Create unique Message-Ids using the Online GUID Generator.