R2T4 Break Type Guide

Use this workbook to define Course Breaks for the U.S. Department of Education Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculations.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.

Workbook Description

The file name for this workbook is R2T4_BREAK_TYPE.csv.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.
Field Name Column Required? Field Type and Accepted Values Description
Calculate Unapproved Course Breaks A Y Enumeration.
  • TRUE
Type of withdrawal to trigger R2T4 calculation. Relevant to Non-term schools.
Exclude Indicator Overlapping LOA B Y Enumeration.
  • TRUE
Indicator to Exclude Overlapping LOA and unapproved course breaks. Relevant to Non-term schools.

Enable the Configuration in the UI

You do not have to complete any setup in the user interface to enable this configuration.

Considerations for Configuration

  • This configuration is for Non-Term institutions only
  • The Baseline configuration for both fields is set to FALSE

Configuration in the User Interface

The configuration is visible in the Student Financial Planning User Interface if you navigate to the following screens:

  1. Student Search > Student > Financial Information > R2T4 Information
  2. Break types are visible in Step 2 of the R2T4 calculation
Understanding How the Baseline Configuration Works

Calculate Unapproved Course Breaks

The baseline configuration is set to FALSE which means the system will not take Unapproved Course Breaks into consideration when calculating the R2T4.